I would love - if you are interested - a thread with Horatio and Alfred where Horatio tells Alfred he works too hard please for the love of god save this boy
should we decide how far into the 4th god discussion ken and norman get? I would like to sign him up and I want osborn-san to get credit for the conversion
: These besties... yesss. Maybe just a lunch and wander where Norman goes "if you see something you want to know about just ask" per their Cube talk?
Meow Knight
: OH with, definitely with. He's going to name it after the one that used to be on the top of the Chrysler building - and I need someone to talk him out of being a sexist bastard about it
if you want him to recognize beat, he can! there's tufts of blonde fur/hair still clinging to him and if norman fights back a little beat might swear or etc in a very beat voice
Bruno will just pepper him with questions. What's this thing? /finds a photo of something he saw in a vision, what's that? How's that work? Oooo, when did this become a thing?
oh hey how many Feels do you and
Meow Knight
want, because i can absolutely arrange it so otto needs EMERGENCY TRANSFUSION because the saline isn't cutting it
How do we figure out who gets frunch dibs for the log? I think Horatio's freakout is off the table since Life Happened and I didn't get around to it right away
werewolf time
emily, later: wow, sure is a good thing norman's o-neg, huh?
otto: wait what
(night form though? loves it)