You're Quinner
ladies, gentlemen, and the powerful: boomerang machine gun
You're Quinner
you throw it, and it arcs beautifully through the air
You're Quinner
then loops around and returns to you
You're Quinner
and the whole time it's spinning through the air
You're Quinner
it's just unloading bullets constantly in all directions
so it comes back to a corpse i get it
Boomerang guns: because fuck everyone in the general direction of everywhere.
Don't 4get DL-6
no you see the recoul accentuates the spinning force of the boomerang
You're Quinner
You're Quinner
it spins even faster
Don't 4get DL-6
I understand quinn's genius
Princess Emily
holy shit
Princess Emily
why did this idea come to you AFTER I already finished VALR
You're Quinner
thte outside edge of the gunerang is serrated
You're Quinner
making it a flying, spinning, shooting buzzsaw gun
yuri duty
i'll take 10
Doctor Ansem
It'll make my next Gungeon run super interesting