HOKAY i'm playing my work d&d night now, i'll be done in a couple hours, TAGS AFTERWARDS
witchbabybat do you still have that picture of Lofty you drew me???? i don't have it saved somehow
update: Lofty is locked in a drow dungeon with a myconid sprout and she has befriended it instantly, its name is Stool and they are now Best Friends
it is a size small creature who communicates telepathically as long as you're within range of its spores. i'm in love with it
i swear to god i had it saved i could NOT FIND IT
my new goal: Find A Hat For My New Mushroom Pal
i'm thinking like a Robin Hood pointed deal with a long feather, or maybe a large bowler hat
https://images.plurk.com/3Z36DgxjlcvMKtUzPYpKaM.jpg buys this for mellie, puts fairy wings on it