If I keep working as hard as I possibly can to live up to the grand pedestal that you've all placed me on then maybe I can inspire some of you to achieve these kinds of heights as well.
Just a whole reel off things that have happened ever since debut like back to back. I... oh my goodness. I can't tell you how much l appreciate that I really can't.
It's like, I guess there are so many words I could say but I don't know if they really like get the point across any more intensely than just me tripping over my own tongue.
(*trip over one's tongue:To have difficulty saying or enunciating something. )
To the people who put that video together. Thank you for reassuring me and for reminding me that…I don't know it's, let me try and think of like how to express this.
What I often feel is that I've always kind of been the way that I am. I've always been making these kinds of jokes. I've always been bad at singing. I've always been well something's I think I did Fly Me To The Moon pretty well.
感覺我一直在做我自己,我永遠在開那類玩笑,我一直都不擅長唱歌,但Fly Me To The Moon我想唱得還不錯。
I've always been this sort of person and I think that I'm struggling to process, I think I always struggle to process the fact that just doing that is enough to warrant this much love and affection from people. 我一直是困擾於如何處理、接受的人,我一直難於接受只做到這樣就能得到大家給予的愛和情感。
So this video I really appreciate it because it's reminding me, I guess that I am doing something right? Maybe that this kind of experience isn't, I don't know.
Every day that I wake up and I see all of this stuff circulating on Twitter, all of the nice comments stuff like this fan projects where the only thing you get out of it is the chance to make me smile. It's so difficult to truly remind myself that that I earned it.
I think I'll forever feel like fucking Charlie Bucket who opened the golden, who opened his golden ticket, but then I think that that's almost defensive to your sensibilities because you wouldn't be so connected to somebody if all he was was lucky.
If there's anything that I can take away from this experience. It's that I want to be able to process and acknowledge why you will support me so much, and to from that, continue to impress you every day.
I love pushing myself. I really do and this karaoke was a part of that. Every time that I do something that feels really difficult and stressful. I'll finish it and think what's next,you know?
So, we had the date stream. And then after the date stream I did another one and then we had ASMR which I didn't know if I was going to do. And then we did the cooking that was so scary man.
The cooking stream with my bouncy drunk ass camera. Apparently, the bounciness of the camera made some people horny which I mean, apparently my scuff tech setup is also doing wonders for my brand which is fantastic. And then this,and then karaoke.
I wonder what's next. I want to keep going. I want to keep pushing. I want to keep going the distance. I don't want this feeling to…I don't ever want this feeling to end.
The feeling that there's a celebration every other week. The feeling that people are always looking out for you. The feeling that people are always looking out for each other because of me.
I'll be completely honest. I have been sort of on and off, but for a large part of the last decade. I was very very deeply mentally unwell. And when you're in that kind of estate, it becomes difficult to realize how much value you actually have.
And I know obviously maybe it's a bit of an overshare to sort of start talking about things that I've been through, but I feel as though I owe you my life.
(*I owe you my life:something you might say to someone if they did you a big favor that you were very grateful for)
I did not know before what I would have done with myself but now you listening have given me purpose. And I have never felt more ready to live ten, fifty, a hundred, two hundred a thousand years more. If only to keep doing everything that makes you all happy.
I want to work so hard. I want to do, I want to work every single day. I want to stream everything, I want to try all of these different things, I want to try so many different stuffs. I want to go here. I want to see different places. I want to try different meals. I want to taste different types of alcohol.
And I hope in some small way that if I keep working as hard as I possibly can to live up to the grand pedestal that you've all placed me on then, maybe I can inspire some of you to achieve these kinds of heights as well.
Thank you for listening. Hopefully that does something to express. I think maybe that was why when we first hit 522 and I was playing Jump King and I was hungry that I didn't really know what to say because what immediately comes to mind is kind of admitting a lot of that sort of stuff you know.
I have not been okay for a really long time, but finally I think I am, and I have you all to thank for it. So if I can do nothing else I want to make sure that all of you are okay as well.Okay? Thank you.
Every time I got to the end of that song. I think when I first decided to do the Audition song as my final song. I cried a lot when I sang it for the first time, like I sort of sat there and I... that final line that really like does me in, you know what I mean?
I don't know why, I didn't do it with the pressure of being in front of so many people but it's, I don't know, I think it's just the way it's performed.
I think and perhaps the reason it feels so sort of like special to me as well. I think one of the reasons why that song is so special, that line “She said she would do it again” and there are oftentimes when I think about everything that I've done and everything that I've been through over the past few hundred years.
The main one being, I must be honest with you when I say that where it's sometimes, it's hard not to blame myself for everything that happened 400 years ago. You know what I mean?
It's hard not to blame myself for what happened to those people because if that clan did not exist then they would not have been sitting ducks who tried to fight for me and then all died in doing so.
I know it's not technically my fault. I mean if they hadn't been all gathered up then they most likely would have gone other ways and I would have moved on without ever having known such wonderful people.
You know that wouldn't have been those feasts,celebrations and parties and everything that we used to get up to there. Wouldn't have been any of that, it would have just been a whole load of distant deaths over a long period. Well it doesn't make it much better to know that. Well I Itried.
And I think that line “She said she would do it again ”I think is something that, because without having had that experience without having been burned so harshly by that experience.I don't think I would have had the strength to be here today.
我認為那句“She said she would do it again ”若不是有過被殘酷燒毀的切膚之痛,我不認為我今天會有力量站在這。
Leading a clan, a thousand strong or rather a thousand times this the strength of the original. Because of that experience and because of all of that loss, we've been through so much together, and it might not have happened without them.
If I keep working as hard as I possibly can to live up to the grand pedestal that you've all placed me on then maybe I can inspire some of you to achieve these kinds of heights as well.
(*trip over one's tongue:To have difficulty saying or enunciating something. )
感覺我一直在做我自己,我永遠在開那類玩笑,我一直都不擅長唱歌,但Fly Me To The Moon我想唱得還不錯。
我可能會一直認為自己是Charlie Bucket(查理與巧克力工廠的主角)得到了他的金彩券,但這可能會冒犯各位的感情,因為你們不會對僅是有運氣的人投入這麼深的情感。
(*I owe you my life:something you might say to someone if they did you a big favor that you were very grateful for)
(*put sb on a pedestal: to believe that someone is perfect)
那整句She said she she'd do it again,最後那句是如此的令人喘不過氣與焦慮,我不太清楚。
我認為那句“She said she would do it again ”若不是有過被殘酷燒毀的切膚之痛,我不認為我今天會有力量站在這。
Lalaland我看過一遍又一遍,將歌詞和rp 聯想在一起時根本無法好好坐著聽(在房間繞圈圈
再次恭喜milord 達成了最初立下的目標