u i i a i u
Jadi kemarenan gue ke Ranch Market ngeliat ini https://images.plurk.com/7vBZ3ywlpZUy5JPq7gQUeg.jpg
u i i a i u
Gue potoin sampe ke harga2nya itu mau beli juga males kalo harganya segitu walau gue akui gue penasaran banget dan akhirnya dijual resmi di sini
Dih, seharga tagihan internet gua itu eskrim (bah)
u i i a i u
Dan seharga tarif burung biru ke soetta dari rumah nunggu THR aja lah belinya, itu juga dipas2in aja
lebih mahal dari Haagen-Dazs
Gw pernah dapet gratisan pas di london kalo gak gratisan males belinya, krn di sana pun mahal terus menurut gw rasanya terlalu manis sampe giung. Untung gratis, jd gak rugi (haha) padahal dptnya rasa yg standar macam choco chip gt
Tembak² Dor⁴
Standar manis gw itu... Haagen-Dazs bagi gw jg udah manis bgt, nah ini Ben & Jerry lebih manis lagi udahlah lidah gw emang udik, cocoknya eskrim walls
You can get 4 BJ ice creams in here with that kind of price. when it’s on discount

I can see they only sell the most favorites flavor there. I personally recommend chunky monkey and half baked. Don’t buy Netflix n chill because it’s quite salty and doesn’t taste like ice cream at all.
Gina Havier
Rasa netflix and chill tuh gmn ya (haha)
Bunda Jo
Ben and Jerry!!!
u i i a i u
Rasa netflinya and chill mungkin seperti rasa bercinta
u i i a i u
Itu makanya asin
Gina Havier
u i i a i u
‎‎😙 : chunky monkey gaada pisangnya?
u i i a i u : it’s chocolate pieces and stuff. No fruits except for chocolate.
u i i a i u
Ada kacangnya ga?
Quite a lot of Walnuts but no peanut
u i i a i u
Berarti ada dong
Gina Havier
moxi : dulu mah ada es krim merk woody yg ga manis2 amat, suka deh eik
Then you’ll like the half baked
The Netflix and chill contain salty pretzel, lots of them, and it’s peanut butter based :-&:-&. Just like every non dairy bj ice cream.
u i i a i u
kalo half baked cokelat doang rasanya? (aha)
Vanilla and chocolate and fudge brownies and chocolate chip cookie dough. It’s quite rare to find it here because everyone like it very much.
u i i a i u