Gw pernah dapet gratisan pas di london kalo gak gratisan males belinya, krn di sana pun mahal terus menurut gw rasanya terlalu manis sampe giung. Untung gratis, jd gak rugi padahal dptnya rasa yg standar macam choco chip gt
You can get 4 BJ ice creams in here with that kind of price. when it’s on discount
I can see they only sell the most favorites flavor there. I personally recommend chunky monkey and half baked. Don’t buy Netflix n chill because it’s quite salty and doesn’t taste like ice cream at all.
kalo gak gratisan males belinya, krn di sana pun mahalterus menurut gw rasanya terlalu manis sampe giung. Untung gratis, jd gak rugi padahal dptnya rasa yg standar macam choco chip gtudahlah lidah gw emang udik, cocoknya eskrim wallswhen it’s on discountI can see they only sell the most favorites flavor there. I personally recommend chunky monkey and half baked. Don’t buy Netflix n chill because it’s quite salty and doesn’t taste like ice cream at all.