April tag-plurp!
(nts: last tag-plurk was here )

I need to revaluate what-all's in my inbox, and what I can/should get back to, now that my hiatus is properly done
tbh I'm feeling a bit stuck due to how many ancient threads there are in there, but I'm not sure which of them I'd actually want to drop...
so like I said: gotta comb through the thing and weigh what I can and can't keep going
...also I can't remember if I've used this pic before, but oh well |D
stares at the tabletop group and whos still here
if we have anything left we can let it go because honestly...i would like a fresh thread with you when you're up to it
yeah, I think the last thread RS & Ryou still had was the hanahaki one... and while I had an idea for that one's tagback, it was basically just RS going "no really, that was exactly what I'm saying :<" which I'm sure you'd assumed already |Da
lol yeah. like i still liked that thread but i don't want it to be a reason that you feel bogged down.
if that makes sense
& yeah I think the tabletop group's lost too many folks for that one log to continue
nodding, ye, I know whatcha mean!
I still liked it too but it might be for the best to do new things instead, at this point
at this rate tabletop may be best as a small discord group where we handwave weekly nonsense oAo
oooo, that could be fun :0
it'd give me a reason to use discord more than once in a blue moon too XD
it would indeed..
yeah like i'd like a thread where rs and ryou talk about...you know. the murderinos he committed
that's a good idea, Kitten! would you want it set before or after the broadcast went live? :0
Noa asked RS if he'd checked in on Ryou, and the answer could either be "well, not yet..." or "um, yeah..."
discord monster world would be fun!
*Noa asked right after the broadcast aired, I mean
i'm ok with either scenario. do you have a pref?
honestly all i want to establish is that they did in fact talk because it would be weird if they DID NOT lol
welcome back! We can handwave any old threads you need if that's easier for you.
it'd probably make more sense for them to talk before the broadcast goes out then, if you don't have a preference
& hi Nichole! o/ I see you, not ignoring you on purpose, I'm just typing slow XD;;
it might be best to start fresh with Altair & RS threads, ye. they have rather a lot of old ones |Da
hmmm, Kitten, would you be interested in an "Atem & RS need to calm Ryou down, meanwhile offscreen Mukuro is giving butchering lessons"-type thread, or more of a "after Ryou calms down, RS checks on him"-type thread? like if the first sounds fun to you we'd need to ask Krystal too, but :Va
Don't worry. My internet is being evil so everything is super slow. That works for me. If there is anything you want to summarize just let me know.
i'd be ok with that if krystal was! but it's defs up to her if she wants to add another 3 way!
i'm still working my way back through the old tags figuring out which ones i'm doing, but i'm almost thru the inbox
spartabitch would you be interested in a threeway "right after the murders" thread with RS & Ryou, or is your plate full...? :0
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I am interested
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let the spirits of dumbass team up
who wants to start + where we puttin it? in a log? in an inbox? THE BIGGEST MYSTERY.
while you're here, it occurs to me to ask: Krystal, did you want to continue Atem's poking at RS early-March, or did you say something about Atem finding out about the torture post-broadcast?
ah...ryou needs to find out about the torture too come to think of it
"where do we put?? :U" is very valid XD
I vote for a closed log :|a it seems like that'd be the easiest way for us to track who's replied when...
I believe Krystal may have gone to bed lol, so imma just ping her one more time so she sees there's a question still in here whenever she awakens spartabitch
yeah krystal defs went to bed lol.
also sorry i had a drink and it made me tipsy so i just kinda floated off for a minute
no worries, I'm just noodling myself XD
i'm already working on a log, but it's not set for the right timeline. still if you guys need me to throw something in there, lmk.
i'm probably not going to achieve much tonight, i spent more time messing with my monster info page than anything
nodding. might work better if I wrote the starter, since you've got a log that covers a different timeframe, and Krystal just posted a big Main Post
I've been noodling around with trying to make like, logos for magioh
by which I mean finding yugioh logos and recoloring em, at least this night
did this one tonight
did this one a past night, kinda think I prefer it
i like that second one
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╭╭(V)▽_▽(V)╮╮🦇 : closed log or -- honestly, a closed thread on the broadcast post or an inbox works
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annnd the timing of when Atem finds out....that can be March if that makes the most sense
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and also. h/c while RS is recovering.
Kittenfais spartabitch I'm setting up a closed log for em, if that's alright with y'all - do either y'all remember which night the actual filming took place on? I recall there was a delay to the broadcasting part because a third party was having a birthday Atem didn't want to ruin
I have the opener written, just looking for a date to stick on it
I am...pretty sure it was recorded on the 22nd? :|a
alrighty, I'll go with that for now, can always edit if Krystal has a different answer in the morning :>b
i am excited! pls papshoosh your landlord rs
ShooshPap log
ok, did x1 last round, new round. tho I'm trying to work on the end of this duel links event tonight, so... :|a
I think I'm duel links'd out. guess I'm not gonna complete the scoring part of Ryou's event |D
guess I'll try poking at tags once my brain catches its breath
i feel like the score part is aggressively high like wtf
i maxed waveduel 2 days early but this event i'm still around like. 5m
yeah the score is too high for the length of this event :/
you're have to be playing obsessively since the start of the event all the way through to have a chance
spartabitch Kittenfais doublechecking that plurk did ping you, & you saw that the log is up! no rush about tagging it, just checking plurk didn't eat anything |D
between duel links & the end of AC & the intro log I know you're prolly real busy on the internet front rn
yeah i saw it! i've just been really busy trying to finish DL stuff and also clear up my oldest tags
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I see it I've just been learning circus tricks
ah good. like I said no rush ^_^
ok, I've essentially been taking a break, but I think I'm starting to feel better (sure hope I am anyhow :|)
new round starting tonight
RS > network
I keep getting derailed :T
RS > Ryou, Atem
we'll see how much I can focus this night ig
RS > Atem (inbox)
well, managed x2 tags last round :Ta
better than none I suppose
RS > Atem (inbox)
got a late start last round, only got x1 done - new round
RS > Atem (inbox)
RS > Ryou, Atem
event top-level
RS > Ryou
think I'm too tired for more tonight. but one of these was a multi-prompt top-level, so a decent amount was done
did x4 last round, and now a slow start at a new round!
RS > Atem
RS > Ryou, Atem
did x4 last round... kinda tired, but I'll see if I can do much this round
damnit, I might be too tired to tags tonight :/
yeah tags not happening tonight, hopefully tomornight
lets try this again
HMD meme comment
Ringu > Ken
RS > Atem
RS > Hajime
x5 down
(if we countin the hmd comment ig)
ok, new round!
RS > Ryou, Atem
well that didn't really work :/a
focusing keeps being such a pain. hm.
brain been offline. :/
trying again tonight, we'll see if anything gets done. brain y.
I do NOT know what's been up with my headspace :|
have done nothing in ages.
HOWEVER, I am attempting to restart... new round
Ringu > Kaiserstein
took an unintended break again -_-
new round tho ig
RS > Ryou
and now I'm getting interrupted to go to the dentist.
and the dentist wiped me out yesternight, new round now tho
Ringu > Kaiser
filler d'arc your thoughts on Ringu just. picking poor Ken up and chucking him at the Glob.
filler d'arc
I would ADORE it if the kaiser got eaten by the glob
get rekt punk
filler d'arc
let splot get a win!!!
filler d'arc
they're having such a nice day
Splot is having the time of their life in this movie
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oh oh i named the priscilla cenobite, she's Tapethroat
Oh, I did see that tag! it's neat
I'm glad you're having fun with her XD
RS > Hajime
May's tagplurk is over here!