فك يو
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FO3hdqRXMAw_8h5.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FO3hd3tWYAQVH7f.jpg(okok)
gremlin wife
oh....oh my god......
Murder moogle
"Hi, I'm looking for validation from strangers on the internet instead of having an adult conversation with the woman whose opinion actually matters."
"I am using the urinal 24/7" I know what that means, but still
cannot imagine this... "it's just there" like, out in the open? at least contain it with a wall/door, jesus. awkwardness aside, that's so unhygienic.
The fuck.
hope this lady got the hell out of there fast
Why is he even standing up, he could use a bottle instead ...
as soon as someone drops the "i don't want someone else running my life and dictating [x]" in a relationship, it's time to head for the hills
No really, get the eff out there, girl.
𝖕𝖚𝖟𝖟𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖊 : weeell, there's people who really like to command others around and only accept that THEIR ideas get done. But this up there is just nuts.
gremlin wife
Tillie : yeah and you shouldn't be in a relationship with those people unless you're willing to be a servant/accessory instead of a partner
Agreed. Relationships are about compromise. If one party takes a stance that they're unwilling to compromise about anything (i.e. "running their life") then it's not a good relationship.
Especially if they also compare someone asking for compromise as "dictating" them.
... also, like, compromising about the kind of bathroom habits you have when living alone in order to respect someone else's comfort so they can spend time at your house isn't weird? Like. The deep weirdness of "I have an open-air urinal in my living room and me and my friends casually use it in front of each other" aside
If the situation was, "My girlfriend isn't comfortable with me leaving the bathroom door open while I pee and won't spend time at my house unless I change that habit" that would also be a reasonable boundary for her to set
(in this case I suspect this dude will have trouble finding a girlfriend who doesn't think peeing in the urinal in the living room is gross, though, speaking as someone who has occasionally had to mop the floor around urinals in a men's bathroom)
I just short circuited at the idea of a urinal in the living room and had to stare at it for a while before the rest of it sank in, holy shit
that is so disgusting
aerosolized urine in the living room every time it's flushed
E.S. Levi
Do urinals flush?
E.S. Levi
Still gross, though. If you have to put air fresheners in it so the room doesn't smell like pee...
pretty sure they do
E.S. Levi
Also, uh...is there a sink in the living room, too?
E.S. Levi
Or do you guys just pee, then touch things all over the house without washing your hands?
I think, regrettably, we know the answer tot hat
E.S. Levi
miri desu
i have heard that a depressing majority of men do not wash their hands if they 'only' used the urinal
if they have a dick and balls and touched their junk they might as well have rubbed their fingers over their asshole >.<