Cute Quinn
[culprit spoilers][tulpaverse]
Cute Quinn
beatrice is sayo's tulpa
Cute Quinn
setting mechanics explanation over
pixie lovemail
no lie i was kinda confused over this verse's mechanics until you put it this way and it instantly made sense
Cute Quinn
one of Miyao and Meow is a tulpa but we're not sure which
This feels like a recurring WTC theem
Cute Quinn
Keiichi briefly thought Shion was a tulpa but was super wrong
that just makes me wonder what hanyuu's status is
Cute Quinn
isn't hanyuu a god
Cute Quinn
I'm behind on my higurashi lore
yes but also one that kind of ends up, like, existing, and being part of The Crew
Cute Quinn
I don't think she has a strict equivalent in this setting
Cute Quinn
the closest would honestly be shinju 2