烏瑟對亞瑟說 Those who practice magic know only evil. They despise and seek to destroy goodness wherever they fine it, which is why she wanted you dead. 雖然他是個強勢爸爸自以為塞自己好的東西給亞瑟但他也真的很愛他(就是不會教育) 小時候亞瑟大概就是練武的時候被操練到爆炸自己躲起來偷哭的程度 但是剩下的時間都被寵爆
S1E13梅林要去救媽媽一命換一命前去跟亞瑟告別 M: I need to talk you. A: You still haven’t got it yet, have you? I decide when we need to talk. M: Not today. A: I sometimes wonder if you know who I am. M: Oh I know who you are. A: Good. M: you are a prat……and a royal one.
A: Are you ever going to change, Merlin? M: No, you’d get bored. But promise me this, if you get another servant, don’t get a bootlicker. A: If this is you trying to leave your job…… M: No, I am happy to be your servant till the day I die.
亞瑟在試煉的最後一關卡看到梅林 然後 A: Merlin? M: I am sorry. A: Let him go. I will take your test, but not till he’s released. 到底亞梅有多彼此相信,小王子完全沒有想過他的僕人是被派來害他,一定是被抓走被威脅的
有兩杯毒酒 一人喝一杯 M: Let’s think about this. What if I drink from my goblet first. A: If it’s poisoned, you’ll die. M: And if it’s not then you’ll have to drink from yours. And you’ll die. There must be a way around it. A: It’s perfectly simple. One of us has to die. We have to fine a way to determine which goblet has the poison. Then I’ll drink it.
M: I will be the one to drink it. A: This is my doing. I’m drink it. M: it’s more important that you live. You’re the future king. I’m just a servant. A: This is no time to be a hero, Merlin. It really doesn’t suit you.
M: What if I drink from mine first? And if that’s not poisoned, I will then drink your. A: He said each of us is only allowed to drink from a single goblet. I had no idea you were so keen to die for me. oO當然是因為you are his destinyㄚ M: Trust me, I can’t hardly believed myself. A: (laughs) I’m glad you’re here, Merlin. oO有夠可愛
梅林想出解決辦法,把兩個酒杯的酒混在一起這樣只要喝一杯就ok確保有一人不會中毒 A: You never cease to surprise me. You’re a lot smarter than you look. M: Is that actually a complement? 然後亞瑟用了有外星人(?)騙梅林去看別邊,趁機把酒混在一起喝掉 梅林發現亞瑟把毒酒拿走後 M: No, I will drink it. A: As if I’d let you. M: You can’t die. This is not your destiny. A: it seems you’re wrong again.
護衛說 we are not all as precious as her Royal Highness
大概也只有梅林敢一直叫他笨蛋QQQQQQ Royal prat
Those who practice magic know only evil. They despise and seek to destroy goodness wherever they fine it, which is why she wanted you dead.
M: I need to talk you.
A: You still haven’t got it yet, have you? I decide when we need to talk.
M: Not today.
A: I sometimes wonder if you know who I am.
M: Oh I know who you are.
A: Good.
M: you are a prat……and a royal one.
M: No, you’d get bored. But promise me this, if you get another servant, don’t get a bootlicker.
A: If this is you trying to leave your job……
M: No, I am happy to be your servant till the day I die.
M: Well, I know you.
M: I trust him with my life.
烏瑟is that understood(但亞瑟不理他
亞瑟is that understood(但梅林不理他
A: Merlin?
M: I am sorry.
A: Let him go. I will take your test, but not till he’s released.
M: Let’s think about this. What if I drink from my goblet first.
A: If it’s poisoned, you’ll die.
M: And if it’s not then you’ll have to drink from yours. And you’ll die. There must be a way around it.
A: It’s perfectly simple. One of us has to die. We have to fine a way to determine which goblet has the poison. Then I’ll drink it.
A: This is my doing. I’m drink it.
M: it’s more important that you live. You’re the future king. I’m just a servant.
A: This is no time to be a hero, Merlin. It really doesn’t suit you.
A: He said each of us is only allowed to drink from a single goblet. I had no idea you were so keen to die for me.
oO當然是因為you are his destinyㄚ
M: Trust me, I can’t hardly believed myself.
A: (laughs) I’m glad you’re here, Merlin.
A: You never cease to surprise me. You’re a lot smarter than you look.
M: Is that actually a complement?
M: No, I will drink it.
A: As if I’d let you.
M: You can’t die. This is not your destiny.
A: it seems you’re wrong again.
A: You know me, Merlin. I never listen to you.
M: Please. Please. Just let me take his place.