a girl in love
it is not physically possible to convey to you how deeply embedded Adventure Time's storytelling is in my psyche
a girl in love
I try to explain because I am literally compelled to but I cannot
♥ 不死的黑蛇 ♥
adventure time's storytelling is fun and good
a girl in love
it ruined my fucking life
a girl in love
I am scarred and deformed
♥ 不死的黑蛇 ♥
♥ 不死的黑蛇 ♥
i would genuinely love to hear about how it changes your approach with your own writing (in rp or otherwise)
♥ 不死的黑蛇 ♥
bc idk that i could articulate exactly the techniques it's using, either (...admittedly in part bc it's been a while since we finished watching it)
eyjaberry 🐑(🦁)
pendleton ward deleted your life
a girl in love
Pendleton Ward deleted my life
a girl in love
♥ 不死的黑蛇 ♥
: honestly it's hard for me to pinpoint whether there is anything in my own style that can really be solidly blamed on AT because a lot of the things I like about AT's approach ARE reflected in other things I like
a girl in love
like I literally was just saying to Katy that both AT and csm have the same sort of attitude of 'we are not going to develop these characters to be less annoying, the parts of them that are disgusting and horrid are going to be perpetual facets of them even at inconvenient and inappropriate times. you will simply love them and cry over them a lot anyway'
a girl in love
which is not something I would say that I execute at the same level of either one but is definitely also an intentional facet of my writing and rp. but it is probably not quite that AT instilled it in me and more that I had a kernel of that already in me and already liked it/definitely I already disliked when things would do the opposite
a girl in love
and would try to peddle characters to the audience by smoothing them over a bit
a girl in love
and tbh my dislike of the opposite is probably the purer source of me having that aim in my writing. but even tho it is not strictly the source it is probably true that AT has emphasized that element in my work a lot just because it went SO much harder on it than basically anything else I have ever seen in my life
a girl in love
and it's just so good. it's good to also have that validation of an example of how far something can be taken and executed well
a girl in love
a thing that probably is more particular to AT that I admire to the point of fucking obsession is its use of anticlimax, but I don't think I could say that I have managed to put that in my own writing
a girl in love
or maybe I have and didn't really think about it. there is a scene shift in cat fic that does cut directly in extremely disorienting fashion from a very dark flashback to a very stupid interview with Minshan about him spitting in his coworker's food
a girl in love
which I have always felt very proud of but did not think of as AT-like at the time, but in hindsight it is a little AT-like.
a girl in love
I like how the writers looked back on stuff they did early on that and decided they didn't like it but rather than writing any of it out they just committed to it harder and made it worthwhile. in practice it just made everything feel extremely intentional and planned out even when it technically wasn't
a girl in love
do you ever just think about the fucking Lemon Hope episode and lay on your face and eat shit
a girl in love
there is a quality of AT that I struggle to put into words that is like. it never tried to capitulate to its audience or tell them what they wanted, or rather what would be comfortable or convenient for them to hear. but it's not out of spite or disdain towards the audience, if anything the opposite
a girl in love
the idea of Lemon Hope as a hero and a liberator is just symbology that was forced on him that doesn't actually align with who he is as a person. AT wrote this because it is an uncomfortable facet of reality but it didn't do so with the express intent of proving the audience wrong and making them feel bad
a girl in love
we all talk about how cool and effective it is that jjk put in a world mechanic for everyone being kind of crazy because non-crazy people just don't have the capacity to become strong sorcerers and on the same note I also think a lot about how AT did the same thing with witch/wizard mechanics
a girl in love
but also added 'and also they have all suffered incredibly deep personal loss'
a girl in love
absolute dedication to having as many characters as possible being annoying weirdos who will make you cry.
a girl in love
keep in mind with every word I say about this show that I have not only likewise not watched any of it in years, I didn't even probably watch most of it and just happened to be in the same room for part of the time while Mora and Youji were binging it
a girl in love
and I still remember all of these parts of it and have gone over much of them repeatedly in my head and dissected them because it just fucking stabbed the shit out of me and left itself in the wounds
eyjaberry 🐑(🦁)
will happen happening happened
a girl in love
but you and I will always be back then
♥ 不死的黑蛇 ♥
these are good fucking words
I actually always wondered what it was about the way certain events and episodes ended in AT that really appealed to me but it's that.
a girl in love
it's so fucking good
a girl in love
re: anticlimax I think about the episode when he first gets the plantbladeswordarm a lot too. like just the sheer amount of suspense and build up and horror and screaming and then just 'you know what actually this is pretty cool'
a girl in love
I also poorly recounted a summary of Ketchup to Katy earlier too which is so engraved on my brain that I even remember the episode title
a girl in love
an enormous number of AT episodes simply yank the rug out from under you and then are just like anyway you get to live with that now. good luck
eyjaberry 🐑(🦁)
i'm like
eyjaberry 🐑(🦁)
kkkkind of under the impression that rick and morty has a similar vibe just from what i have heard but honestly nothing tops [you know what actually this is pretty cool] for me
a girl in love
why would I watch Rick and Morty if I won't even rewatch Adventure Time
eyjaberry 🐑(🦁)
that was not a suggestion to watch it i have not watched it myself. i said it because i have no brain and my fingers do whatever they want
eyjaberry 🐑(🦁)
you should rewatch adventure time though
a girl in love
I am incapable. that is too many hours of watching things
eyjaberry 🐑(🦁)
just watch the ones that hurt
eyjaberry 🐑(🦁)
that's what i do
a girl in love
that's still too many hours.
eyjaberry 🐑(🦁)
then perish