One of my high school classmates and friends worked in Ukraine. He shared this from a former colleague.
https://images.plurk.com/5K3RCm5wmVlKgfnyhrE8LY.png https://images.plurk.com/67aqVxoQtxiEu5ozI0XsrC.png
Batalie 🏳️‍🌈
...and sadly a NATO imposed no-fly zone is impossible to police because as soon as a Russian plane gets shot down, the idiot with a small penis claims world war...
Batalie 🏳️‍🌈
What hurts is that people think we don't want to get involved, but we do... I wish we could just flatten the Russian forced in Ukraine and drop a daisy cutter on the Kremlin, but it's not that simple.
Batalie 🏳️‍🌈
Hell, we have planes that could decimate the Russian convoys and never even show up on any air radar system.
Batalie 🏳️‍🌈 : exactly what you said. 'Close the skies' is easy to say, but people need to look at what comes next. Russian planes will still fly and drop bombs. Then what happens? Russian plane flies into closed space? Do you give them a time-out or sternly tell them to go home? No, it must be enforced, which is shooting down plane. Then what do ppl think
happens after that?
That would literally be a declaration of war in Putin's mind and he would immediately retaliate, and even if he didn't nuke all he could right away, he would certainly turn on his closest NATO 'enemy' countries. Then what? Where would that leave the US? Anyone?
I'm not an expert and am far from even being legitimately well informed but I do know that much. I wish things were that simple, that closing the skies over the Ukraine would fix anything or stop more death.
Batalie 🏳️‍🌈
We'd have done it by now if it wasn't going to make things a LOT worse.
The entire situation in Ukraine horrifies me. I wish there was a way I could assist in a tangible way. we've donated money already and I'm very open to the idea of hosting a family but I don't think there will be many Ukrainians coming to Houston. On the daily I can be heard muttering, "fucking Putin".