"“According to the data released by the US itself, the US has 26 biological laboratories and other related facilities in Ukraine which has indeed attracted great attention,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a news conference in Beijing."
"U.S. bio-military activities in Ukraine are only "the tip of the iceberg," Zhao said. Under various names, the U.S. Department of Defense controls 336 biological laboratories in 30 countries. ■"
Nuland: Ukraine has biological-research facilities, which, in fact, we are now quite concerned Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of. So we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces, should they approach.
Rubio: I’m sure you’re aware that the Russian propaganda groups are already putting out there all kinds of information about how they’ve uncovered a plot by the Ukrainians to release biological weapons in the country with NATO’s coordination.
If there is a biological- or chemical-weapon incident or attack inside of Ukraine, is there any doubt in your mind that 100 percent, it would be the Russians that would be behind it?
"Under the agreement, CTR funds will for the first time flow directly to projects aimed at securing pathogen strains and sensitive biological knowledge within Ukraine.
The United States also will work to improve Ukrainian capabilities to detect, diagnose, and treat outbreaks of infectious diseases, as well as determine whether outbreaks are natural or the result of bioterrorism."
Nuland如果有點能力的話, 當Rubio問她由沒有生化武器時, 就說一句No就好了. 答非所問的說了 "Ukraine has biological-research facilities, which, in fact, we are now quite concerned Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of." 不是正好說明了1.她知情, 2.烏克蘭擁有很危險的東西?
"Foreign governments, they suggested, might also interpret the massive expansion in American research, much of it funded by the Department of Defense, as cover for an offensive bioweapons program, sparking a biodefense arms race."
難怪deep state要一直搞一些有的沒的暗助話指控"網傳: 美國有設立由美國政府資金運作的生化實驗室在烏克蘭"
查核結果: 錯誤! 因為這些生化實驗室是烏克蘭政府設立的, 不是美國!
因為大家關心的重點在: "烏克蘭是否有生化實驗室, 生化實驗室研究什麼"
而不是"這些生化實驗室是由美國政府直接出資設立, 還是由烏克蘭政府設立", 以及"美國政府對這個實驗室的研究內容是有直接的控制權, 還是間接的控制權"
然後USAToday的屎實查核放在後面這兩個無聊的問題, 反正恥笑讀者的智商笑說你們只會看標題, 他寫False你們就會以爲說"烏克蘭有生化實驗室"這話被否認了, 而不知道其實講的是"這個生化實驗室不是由美國政府直接出資設置, 國防部也沒有直接管轄權"
1. 烏克蘭是否擁有生化實驗室 - 正確
2. 烏克蘭的生化實驗室的數量是不是26 - 不詳, 但有流出的資料顯示其中幾間的位置, 表示實驗室有複數間
3. 烏克蘭的生化實驗室是否在研發生化武器 - 不詳, 我們只知道有相當敏感不能夠被俄羅斯取得的樣本
4. 俄羅斯是否摧毀了幾間實驗室 - 錯誤, 目前看到的資料沒有證實任一間生化實驗室成為俄軍的目標
5. 烏克蘭的生化實驗室是否由美國政府直接出資設立 - 錯誤, 這些實驗室隸屬烏克蘭政府
6. 烏克蘭的生化實驗室是否由美國國防部有直接管轄權 - 錯誤, 這些實驗室隸屬烏克蘭政府
7. 美國是否有這些生化實驗室的間接管轄權, 像武漢病毒實驗室一樣 - 不詳
要直接說這是"假消息", 其實是有待商榷的. 真的要講, 對這件事情雙方媒體說法你用虛假程度給分好了, 美國媒體這方面的虛假度一定比較高吧XD
對於我們知道的, 頂多只能說這是"部分正確, 部分無法驗證"不是嗎?
Rubio很顯然的就是在作球想要踢爆對方假新聞, 結果竟然發現這新聞不假, 只是被灌水XD
美國明顯知情, 至於是不是主導, 介入的程度多少, 有沒有出錢, 出多少我們不知道. 敵人當然要抓到一些蛛絲馬跡來大肆渲染, 所以任何有腦袋的人也不該把中俄的話照單全收. 但是這個拜登閣員Nuland能把Rubio做給他的這個簡單的球給打的這麼遭也是令人嘆為觀止
不過老實說說謊也根本沒人會追查, 看看Fauci