I have 50 million things to do and I wish to do 0 of it
wow transparency broke like hell on that somehow.
Anyways I'm just gonna make this a to-do list plurk and see what can be tackled without me losing my mind
-E-mail pre-orders from Katsucon
-Package orders
-Count stock
-Re-order merch
-Try to switch from Storenvy to Etsy finally
-Book flight for Anime Detour
tbh I'm tempted to sleep a bit more. I think I haven't slept enough/well recently cuz of all the traveling and stuff.
-Work on cookbook zine merch (Need to finish before Anime Detour)
I did none of these things yet but I applied for TSA PreCheck because I no longer wish to fucking suffer over an hour of TSA only to miss my flight because what the fuck
good get that precheck. three minutes to get through tsa and i didn't have to take anything off it is marvelous
get some rest you deserve it
i dont really mind doing TSA but I fly like twice a month p much so its something ive been meaning to do and 1000% forget everytime
Stock was counted. I just sent messages to suppliers cuz I'm...slow. It looks like washi tape turnaround is too long for AnimeDetour. That's not really a big deal tbh since only one of my designs is sold out anyways so maybe I can offer pre-order at con
I'm gonna pack up the small amount of orders I have rn before sleeping and send e-mails out.
Flight stuff I can't book until my friend replies anyways since I'm staying at his place
Well charms ordered, but I'm shit out of luck about my severe lack of Kazuha Lanyards. I don
Oops hit enter. Well I dont have a sample either since I actually sold display at my last con so fuck me i guess HAH
New to-do list:
-Package/Ship Orders
-Work on Etsy store
-Book flight for Anime Detour
-Submit tax form for Anime Detour
-Submit apps for cons: Otakon (3/8-), Anime Impulse (3/9), Emerald City Comic Con (3/8-), Anime Weekend Atlanta (3/8-), Youmacon (3/25)
-TSA Precheck Interview (3/9)
-Reply to Anime Boston e-mail
-Work on Magical Girl Cookbook Zine deadline
plurk plz i hate that's an emote tch
Submitted apps for Otakon, ECCC, and AWA. Submitted tax form.