Amber I first read this as 18, not 8 and was like, whoooooa you have some problems. Still, let him eat cake.
yes this person is an asshole
my mom was SUPER strict with our sugar intake. Like strict like we had to eat plain wheaties with no sugar. yum. But even she let us have cake at birthday parties.
my mom thought natural fruit rollups had "too much sugar" because they were processed fruit (even tho they didn't have added sugar, in that form she felt they were too sugary)
Hmm I might have a slightly different point of view. Its wonderful she is keeping her son off sugar. He will be so much better off. Meanwhile, kids are kids. Refusing cake was interpreted as insult to his mother and her cooking, and to him on his birthday. Fast Forward to when this kid is teenager. It will go 1 of 2 ways: He stays off sugar, or
far more likely, goes total rebellion and balloons up to 300 pounds because his heartless mother denying him even sharing cake with his best friend on his birthday. ... Moderation, imho, is the best course. Oppression leads to very bad things. Let the kid have cake on his birthday. Like 1 day a year, or with his best friend. Its the rule in my family
DevinVaughn : i snuck a lot of sugar as a teenager. even as a kid. I feel like moderation is the key here.
L♥la Gh♥st
DevinVaughn : i totally agree with you. Also, if she denies her son any sugar, the she shouldn't put him in the situation where he can be tempted. He is only 8, he will get influenced easily at that age.
wow that mom is so over the top
super strict rules around food are the best way into an ED
better imho to teach kids to appreciate variety and moderation, to be curious about food, to eat everything at least once, to enjoy vegetables and fruits
that was an innocent bonding moment between 8 year old kids ffs, and sharing food is such a deeply ingrained social gesture
I think if someone is this upset at a breach of their control that they do such a long post on the Interwebs for justification, they need to look closer at their own selves.
Educating their kids for healthy eating can't be 100% successful EVER without trust, understanding and communication. The kids need the facts and support at home, and the age and confidence to go with that knowledge. And understanding when they choose not to.
Sometimes Bacon
my first thought was, in 8 more years you'll wish it was cake that his friends are pressuring him into
Sometimes Bacon : exactly; it's an early moment that the parents could use as a good teaching moment towards self control and autonomy, instead of a 'lets get the Interwebs to tell me I'm right'
Sometimes Bacon
i bet this woman yells at the teachers when her kid fails an assignment too. its everyone else's fault