Luke Skywanker
Do you know when you're really sad but it's all like, First World Problems so you also feel annoyed with yourself for wallowing?
Like when it's midnight and your box of Cheez-It brand baked snack crackers is almost empty?
Luke Skywanker
Well I think I'm a little worse off than that, but not much
I dunno, it's pretty bad.
I think Polly may simply be sharing her current predicament with us.
Anyway wallowing is a perfectly valid coping mechanism 💜
PlurkDevi : hah! I knew it!
Luke Skywanker
Polly that's not to say I do not empathize!
Let's hear about your first-world problem wallowing!
Luke Skywanker
Oh I'm just ... I'm frustrated about my work situation even though I work much less than I could be, I'm feeling depression bleed because roommate is down, and I just want more time to myself even though I have made decisions to be involved in things like plays
I think you live a life of challenging balancing acts.
I could never do all the things you do.
Problems are problems. It's all valid no matter how small.
Luke Skywanker
Well right now I think I'm running up against my own limits
Luke Skywanker
trying to pull back from dog walking for a bit but I have trouble saying no (I've turned off new requests but people I have already as clients can contact me
Luke Skywanker
I also really want to be at home but feel slightly uneasy being there because I guess I interrupted time Jen thought she had to herself last night when I stopped in to get my shoes and I get why because she wasn't expecting me but also it's... my house?
Luke Skywanker
ok I just got a dog walking request for later today and burst into tears