I did a couple tags. while I should get back to my four outstanding backtags... I kinda wanna do my CR chart. think I'll poke at that some more for a bit.
specifically RS's chart, that is. forgot about having more than one character now :0
Bruno hasn't been in his game long enough to get a CR chart yet I think. also it's such a small game...
did a row of CR chart entries
maybe I'll try alternating them with tagging... :|a
keep me from getting too worn out of one or the other
nope, am worn out in general, require snzz
shall nap, do more later
napped, fell into a youtuble hole, still tired. might just be tired is all :/a
I did go out & do stuff earlier today, at an hour I'm not always even awake by, so.
sure would be nice if I wasn't tired, tho :T