Under Barack Obama, the United States got rid of its Two War Doctrine. The doctrine had sustained the United States military since World War II. It merely stated that the United States must have the defense capabilities to fight two wars on two fronts at the same time.
The Obama Administration shortsightedly concluded it was no longer needed and, by downsizing the military, the United States would save costs and reduce the military’s carbon footprint. After all, according to the Obama Administration, climate change was a bigger national security issue than Russia or China.
不是對抗中國, 也不是對抗俄羅斯, 更不是對抗伊斯蘭恐怖份子, 而是地球暖化!!!
還記得我們曾介紹過,美軍也正在深入研究軍用車電動化嗎?現在看起來美軍非常認真!美國陸軍最近發表了「氣候戰略」(Climate Strategy)報告書,目標 2030 年減少 50% 碳排量,到 2050 年就是實現完全零碳排!
在考慮能不能打仗前, 如何降低碳排放才是最重要的問題!
雖然不能殲滅敵軍, 甚至連部署都有困難, 在戰區甚至沒辦法充電, 可是至少減碳!
Under Barack Obama, the United States got rid of its Two War Doctrine. The doctrine had sustained the United States military since World War II. It merely stated that the United States must have the defense capabilities to fight two wars on two fronts at the same time.
看的很昏倒但毫不意外和 表示
使用柴油發電機供電給電力馬達來驅動車輛這樣就是電動戰鬥車輛了,環保與實戰需求兼顧它的賣點就是號稱市區省油. 根本不能拿來做軍事用途