papermint tiger
[cats] i got home and Mishka is favoring one of her paws
papermint tiger
it's midnight, the only emergency vet is over an hour away
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she does not handle car rides well
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i really don't know what to do here
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i'm worried that if i call them and they want me to come up there now, she'll hurt herself more traveling
if she seems her usual self otherwise, I'd say it's probably okay to wait until normal vet hours to call
it's possible she just like
landed on it funny and did the equivalent of twisting it
papermint tiger
update, i did call the emergency vet and Rowan said Mishka was acting normal last she saw
papermint tiger
so this may have happened within the hour
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we're going to watch her
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i just don't like how she's holding the paw... i hope it's nothing really
papermint tiger
this silly girl, existing to worry us i swear
if she's otherwise acting normal and there's no obvious indicators (cuts, swelling, etc) then it's probably safe to wait til morning, yeah
papermint tiger
yeah, she just ate so i think she's feeling pretty okay, no obvious blood or anything else
landed weird and sprained/strained it seems like the likely culprit in that case
papermint tiger
ah! she put her weight on it a little!
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yay! i'll continue to monitor her but that's a wonderful sign
oh that's good!
papermint tiger
yeah, she's definitely using it a bit, and not yelling too much... i hope then it's jsut a strain
papermint tiger
this dumb animal, she often fails her jumps
papermint tiger
i knew she'd hurt herself one day
papermint tiger
I am seeing no improvement this morning so since my car is not in fact ready
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I guess I'm spending the day at the vet
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Kinda feel like I want to cry
papermint tiger
Today's gonna go great