Corpse Sniffer
very unhappy that today is fucking busy and probably the signal of an 'early' dig season not that winter was even a break and im filled honestly with nothing but dread!!!!
Corpse Sniffer
this is unfrotunately the best job i can have during the pandemic!!! and im really not looking forward to more disgusting amounts of homeowners and 1 hour calls and 75 fence installations by people who dont know right from lef!!!!
Corpse Sniffer
but i have insurance and a wfh job and my coworkers dont suck but!!!!
Corpse Sniffer
it doesnt make the call center part any more bearable!!! idk what to even do in the situations sometimeso ther than grin and bear it b/c i need money!!! and im just stupid and cant stand doing any job ever i guess
Corpse Sniffer
or any jobs id want to do are either shit pay or you need nepotism and 2343432 degrees to get into it
Corpse Sniffer
gomen im just whining and i dont think the period hormones have let up yet. anyway fuck call centers if only there was a part of the job that didn't involve talking to customers they'd let me do