I’ve been pondering what to do the next time I’m accosted by an anti-vaxxer. Maybe I’ll say, “My mask does you no harm, but you have been instructed by Satan to spread pestilence and kill as many innocent as possible.”
I could take a bottle of holy water with me. (thinking)
“Get thou behind me, Satan!” is more succinct.
A friend of mine said" I didn't think I need a mask either but my Dr said I tested positive, have a temp of 101, I can't stop coughing or sneezing, and I can't taste or smell anything , but if you're ok with it, come here and give me a kiss" (woot) :-&
>-xəpuɐ-< : Excellent!
Would saying, “You really should stop eating babies, they’re going straight to your hips,” be too confrontational?
I think I’ll have some t-shirts made up for the warm weather. I want to go hunt the satanists who are attacking health workers.
In a pinch I could do the 2-finger cross sign.
I’m getting up the nerve to go to the laundry room. I haven’t been out of the apartment since I was accosted by my elderly neighbour’s anti-vax relative.
I'd just turn around and walk away. You don't need any more stress.
say, Grace#🟦
Just say hi and bye
mimi : say, Grace#🟦 : Unfortunately they’re right in front of my door, and I’m supposed to be helping their father. I’m afraid to leave my apartment. I’m trying to do laundry, but I just heard them in the hall. This is my home, I want to feel safe.
When they see my mask they charge at me. My mask harms no one.
Charging is not good. Nor is being afraid. I'm so sorry.
mimi : Thank you. (cozy)