[work] one of the downsides to my job we don't have our own room right now
normally it's fine cause someone will let us stay with them but today they're covid testing all day so we're like walking around looking for a spot
one of the good things we've been doing is getting the bullying situations under control
people thinking that what i do now is a lot of work laughs oh I should let them know what I used to do when I worked in preschool
you don't know work when you have a teacher telling you to clean all the toys in the classrom, wash blankets and sheets for 16 kids, set up the classroom with whatever project she wanted, and put away snack for Monday along with a whole crate of milk
all of in the span of 8:30- 3:40 with your lunch
i had to do that on Friday then during the week I had to wash the tables every time they sat or ate on it so up to six times a day, do lunch, take them to the bathroom by myself, put them down for nap all of this before 12:40 since their lunch started at 11
then go back to wake them up, put up the cots I forgot to mention that I had to take the cots down and wheel them in the room after setting up the room perfectly for their lunch, and get ready for small group
Today I was just asked to help put away the laptops compared to what I used to do i'm good
some of my coworkers think I'm mad at my principal but no it's the superintendent I'm mad at