Got a form rejection from a company I did multiple interviews with that I really, really wanted to work for today. Crying while continuing to do my crappy job is the best Thursday let me tell you
Hannah (CA)
Aww I'm sorry :-(
Hannah (CA)
You should be proud of yourself and I hope good things are around the corner.
Hannah (CA) : Me too <3
I feel this deeply. You've got this though, better things are coming@
I've just been job searching for 3 years now and I know 2 and a half of them have been in a Panini™ but I'm so discouraged
I'm in the same exact boat; plus a ton of people I know seem to have had new jobs dropped into their laps, it is very discouraging. I think the key at this point is instead of spamming out a ton of applications, keep focusing on job descriptions that actually speak to you and your skills and what you really would be interested in doing.
I'm very guilty of doing the random spam on LinkedIn to as many jobs that pop up in my search fields, and it only makes it worse to be ghosted or rejected from a million jobs.
Also definitely talk to people you know, see if there are openings in their companies that could get you closer to what you want to be doing. I got through an entire interview process at an old college friend's company, (ended up getting turned down at the last minute over someone with different experience), but sometimes a reference can give you a step up
Also my memere always says that if something is not in your highest and best interest, you won't get it. So as much as you wanted that job, it wasn't for you because there is something better for you waiting around the corner
Your random internet fandom friend believes in you