Important clarification: those behind March For Justice – The Bloody Sunday March For Just... do not speak for the vast majority of Bloody Sunday family members. They have not spoken to us nor invited us to their march. So, while indeed There Is No British Justice, it doesn't follow that it abounds here either
50 years on I wish to commend the families & friends of all those who died and were injured on Bloody Sunday for their resolve in the pursuit of truth and justice and extend my continuing support to them.
We will never forget what happened on the streets of Derry that day.
我們持續密切因應國際情勢,我也要告訴大家,無論面對怎麼樣的挑戰,民主就是我們唯一的選項,團結就是我們唯一的方法。追求團結,不等於要忘記過去。相反的,我們更要銘記走過的路,時時刻刻提醒自己,台灣今日的民主,絕對不是理所當然。這樣,我們才能夠珍惜當下,團結彼此,一起守護得來不易的民主、自由和人權。我相信,一個願意面對歷史、從錯誤中反省的國家,必定也會是一個擁有堅強韌性、能夠堅持民主的國家。這是轉型正義之於台灣民主的意義,更是台灣人共同的使命,讓我們繼續來努力。 via
「沒有一丁點挑釁,但士兵就開槍了」 - 共和月報
Events – Bloody Sunday 50th Anniversary
血腥星期天50年 沼邊屠殺 歷史上的今天 北愛爾蘭 轉型正義
The courage and dignity of the families over the last 50 years is inspirational.
They have overcome barrier after barrier to set the truth free.
Link to all events: Events – Bloody Sunday 50th Anniversary
We were forced up against the Saracen personnell carriers, spreadeagled and searched. We were prevented from joining the main march.
An elderly woman moving in the same direction praying with her rosary beads said to me “you know son, there are a lot of people lying dead in there.”
Little did we know this day would become known as Bloody Sunday.
We will never forget what happened on the streets of Derry that day.
One for each of the men & boys murdered by British Paras on Bloody Sunday
A light for all those injured that terrible day, and
A light for all those killed & bereaved during the conflict
We shall overcome some day BloodySunday50