Stereo Nacht
Again fell asleep on the phone, but that time, I had preemptively shut off the lamp. Woke up too early, but managed to fall back asleep, despite Onyx's best attempts! ;-) (Ok, she did sleep a bit with me, but never stayed long in the same spot; walked over me, or on my hair, and of course, mewed.)
Stereo Nacht
But I am up, temps are rising (there was yet another warning of dangerously freezing temps this morning), so I'll soon go prepare, and shop for end-of-season sales at the craft store! :-D Have a great day, everyone!
G'morning! May you find all sorts of treasures at the craft store
Squeak =^..^=
I want an Onyx.
Stereo Nacht
Open your door to a stray cat passing by; you may find your own Onyx that way! :-)
Squeak =^..^=
We had oodles of strays - all very feral.
Someone further down the hotel does a capture/spay/release program with the local animal control (or similar). We see very few moggies roaming here now. :-(
Stereo Nacht
And done from shopping. (money) Even on clearance, it piles up quickly... And I didn't help myself by remembering I wanted a new external drive for back-up. Ok, that one was definitely needed (my other one, used on the older computer, is full).
Stereo Nacht
Still... (money)