Lady Bintley
Right, help me out here. I didn't finish work until 0330 this morning, back in from midday until 7pm. I feel really poorly, had a banging head all day and I'm clearly not at all well. Next Friday is my last day in my job; do you think if I don't feel any better in the morning I should take the sick day?
Lady Bintley
I don't want to appear like I'm taking the piss but I've struggled all day today. Done a Covid test but it's negative.
I know the optics aren't ideal, but your health is the top priority
if you're unwell, take the sick day. Take care of yourself
Skittles 🍄
Lol I mean, what are they gonna do? Fire you?
Sea Enemy
Sick day
Natalie 🌈
You need a MINIMUM of 8 hours between shifts. Sickie is required.
if you are sick, stay home. Don't even question it
They basically have 0 power over you, take the sick day
Kalli (& Tibbs)
agreed... it's your right. If you are not well then sod them.
Take the day.. you need it