Q1: I want to do a cover with a group. Now I was thinking of "Take a LuCATs".(團體名稱) A: TAKE A LOOK AT MY BALLS!!!! - Q2: It's such good art though. It's kinda POG. Kind of reminds me of Socon. A: (他沒公布答案,但很明顯是socon my dick = suck on my dick)
Q0: I'm really hungry for some Bofa right now. A: (他沒講,但 Bofa deez nuts = Both of these nuts) - Q1: Have you ever seen alpacas? A: Alpaca ( =I'll put a ) dick in your eye.
Q: Do you know there's a sea of thieves DLC that came out? What's sea of thieves DLC? A: Sea of thieves ( = See if these) nuts can fit in your mouth!!!
Q1: What's your favorite Pokemon? Guys, I like Pokemon 316. A: Gulpin. (舊梗再用) - Q2: I hate bugs. They remind me of my friend Johan. A: Johan ( = Your hand) is gonna be dkjfhqwwwwww(他自己爆笑沒講完,查了之後找到是 Your hand is gonna be on my nuts)
Q: Chat, I wanna try DJ on stream, what do you think? I'll probably call myself DJ C as well. Where does the C come from? A: DJ C deez nuts ( = see these nuts) in you mouth!!!!
Q: I just checked my art tag and there's a guy called Atlee Gandhi, made a really stunning art for me. And there's one with Candice, Marmalade, Cupma. Oh, and Ryzen, what a good artist. Who is Ryzen? A: Ryzen ( = Rising) that ass on my dick!!!! 附贈: Oh Ligma, thank you so much for the artwork.
1. Atlee Gandhi: 我覺得其實應該是Lee Gandhi balls = Lick on these balls 2. Candice: Candice nuts fit in your mouth = Can these nuts fit in your mouth 3. Marmalade: Getting your marmalade = Getting your mama laid 4. Cupma: Cupma balls = Cup my balls,cup是捧的意思 5. Ligma: Ligma balls = Lick my balls
Q0: Are you guys excited for the new Dragon Ball anime? A: (他說這不是deez nuts joke,但沒人相信他,這很明顯是Dragging balls之類的) - Q1: My favorite Pokemon is actually 529. A: Sawk. Sawk ( = suck) my dick.
Luca: Please eat something? Yeah I'll eat some ligma, chickadeez, rubondese, miphat, rydon. I went to Sawcon yesterday, there was a lot of sloberons and gold pins. I saw Imagine Dragon there. It was selling slow bunnies and had penny trading competitions.
(承上) I also won a pound. My friend Dixon was there too. - Q: When is One Punch Man coming out? I miss Saitama. Who is Saitama? A: Saitama ( = Sight of my) dick in your face!!
Q1: My water bottle says: Australian water, freshly good, tigolma. ( = tickle my) - Q2: I will do a guerilla stream with Aileen. With who? A: Aileen over ( = I lean over) you kiss my ass. - Q3: My peanut rate is gonna go up. A: Peanut rate ( = penetrate) your ass.
Q1: I learned that katanas are samurais' weapon. And Shogun is a commander of samurais. A: Shogun ( = Choking) these balls!! - Q2: I bet you don't know what "up dog" is. What's up dog? A: Nothing much dude.(騙人說出What's up來打招呼的梗)
Q1: Have you heard of Manama? A: Manama ( = My name is) Jeff. 梗的來源 - Q2: I'll have a tournament later this week. It's like Mario Kart tournament,E10. A: E10 ( = Eating) my dick!!!!!
他念了60多個,我決定只記錄其中一個。 Q: Chat, what is a "Yohan"? Chat1: YOHAN (Your hand) IN MY PANTS. Chat2: Your hand in marriage. (求婚用語) A: You know what? FIND OUT NEXT TIME IN THE NEXT EPISODE OF LUCA KANESHIRO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE!!!
Q1: Do you have a bofa at home? What's that? A: Bofa (Both of) deez nuts in your mmmwhaaaouuuth!!! - Q2: There is an actress called Reiomy. A: Reiomy (Lay on my) dick!!!
Q1: I might get some landon for dinner. A: (Land on deez dick.) - Q2: Have you heard of a show called "Mind Goblin" on Netflix? A: Mind goblin (Mind gobbling) deez nuts. - Q3: After Ring Fit I found out that you can actually attached a mico to it. A: Micock (My cock) in you mouth!!
Luca Kaneshiro,一位凶狠又邪惡的黑手黨老大。
Boss在每次直播的結尾最喜歡做的事,就是講deez nuts jokes捉弄Chat。
下收為了自紀錄,也順便讓有聽沒有懂的人能體會到Boss帶給我們的樂趣,所整理的所有ending part笑話。
⚠️ 有破梗可能,所以想自行體會被整到的驚喜的人可以直接點連結。
⚠️ 中英夾雜,標點也全半夾雜,若傷眼請見諒。
⚠️ 歡迎幫忙補充!!!
沒有ending part,但在講喜歡的遊戲那邊提到Amogus (Backwards)。反過來唸是Sugoma,後面加balls就是suck on my balls。
此片也是第一次提到Luca的NSFW tag Lucadeeznuts (look at these nuts)
2021.12.21 Getting Over It
Q: What are those escalators that don't move called?
A: Stairs. Stare deez balls.
(有Shu友情演出 結尾的時間點很讚 反應很可愛)
Q: Does Shining Pearl have that Pokemon? What's it called? It's like the evolution of Rhyhorn.
A: Rhydon. ( = Ride on = Ride on my dick)
Q: You guys know what Pokemon 590 is?
A: Amoonguss.(應該只是玩了一個Among Us的梗,與deez nuts無關。而且他其實講錯了,此寶可夢是#591。)
Q: I can't remember that Pokemon. I think it's Pokemon 316.
A: Gulpin. ( = Gulping = Gulping my dick. Gulp是大口吞嚥的意思)
Q1: I want to do a cover with a group. Now I was thinking of "Take a LuCATs".(團體名稱)
Q2: It's such good art though. It's kinda POG. Kind of reminds me of Socon.
A: (他沒公布答案,但很明顯是socon my dick = suck on my dick)
Q: I played a gotcha game and I just won a pound. You know what a pound is?
A: I won a ( = wanna) pound!! HOW ABOUT MY ASSSSS!!!(這邊前後句是AB對話的形式)
Q: Chat, do you see that person in chat? Was Dixon something. Do you know what they said?
A: Dixon my ass!! ( = Dicks on my ass)
Q0: I'm really hungry for some Bofa right now.
A: (他沒講,但 Bofa deez nuts = Both of these nuts)
Q1: Have you ever seen alpacas?
A: Alpaca ( =I'll put a ) dick in your eye.
Q1: What is that continent called? With the one that has Italy, Germany, Britain...
A: Europe. Europepe. ( = Your pepe = 你的ㄐㄐ)
(開始會嘲笑Chat了 他真的笑得好開心)
Q: We use kilometers here. Like km per hour? What's the thing for Americans?
A: Miles. My left nut!!!(單純諧音)
Q: Do you know there's a sea of thieves DLC that came out? What's sea of thieves DLC?
A: Sea of thieves ( = See if these) nuts can fit in your mouth!!!
Q1: What's your favorite Pokemon? Guys, I like Pokemon 316.
A: Gulpin. (舊梗再用)
Q2: I hate bugs. They remind me of my friend Johan.
A: Johan ( = Your hand) is gonna be dkjfhqwwwwww(他自己爆笑沒講完,查了之後找到是 Your hand is gonna be on my nuts)
Q: Chat, I wanna try DJ on stream, what do you think? I'll probably call myself DJ C as well. Where does the C come from?
A: DJ C deez nuts ( = see these nuts) in you mouth!!!!
Q: I just checked my art tag and there's a guy called Atlee Gandhi, made a really stunning art for me. And there's one with Candice, Marmalade, Cupma. Oh, and Ryzen, what a good artist. Who is Ryzen?
A: Ryzen ( = Rising) that ass on my dick!!!!
附贈: Oh Ligma, thank you so much for the artwork.
2. Candice: Candice nuts fit in your mouth = Can these nuts fit in your mouth
3. Marmalade: Getting your marmalade = Getting your mama laid
4. Cupma: Cupma balls = Cup my balls,cup是捧的意思
5. Ligma: Ligma balls = Lick my balls
Q0: Are you guys excited for the new Dragon Ball anime?
A: (他說這不是deez nuts joke,但沒人相信他,這很明顯是Dragging balls之類的)
Q1: My favorite Pokemon is actually 529.
A: Sawk. Sawk ( = suck) my dick.
Q: I might order some slow bunnies today. What is slow bunnies?
A: Slowbunnies dick. ( = Slob on his dick)
(題幹選擇值得被肯定 結尾有超級親親豪華大禮包)
Q: What are the clothes called?
A: Yukata ( = You got a) dick in your ass!!!!
(正片結尾有Nijisanji EN演唱會)
Q: Do you guys even know what game did we play today?
A: Super Mario Odyssey deez nuts. ( = see these nuts)
(用deez nuts jokes來了一個即興演說)
Luca: Please eat something? Yeah I'll eat some ligma, chickadeez, rubondese, miphat, rydon. I went to Sawcon yesterday, there was a lot of sloberons and gold pins. I saw Imagine Dragon there. It was selling slow bunnies and had penny trading competitions.
I also won a pound. My friend Dixon was there too.
Q: When is One Punch Man coming out? I miss Saitama. Who is Saitama?
A: Saitama ( = Sight of my) dick in your face!!
唯一一個新的是penny trading = penetrating
(結尾有宛如火車鳴笛的親親 講笑話笑到拍手也好可愛)
Q1: My water bottle says: Australian water, freshly good, tigolma. ( = tickle my)
Q2: I will do a guerilla stream with Aileen. With who?
A: Aileen over ( = I lean over) you kiss my ass.
Q3: My peanut rate is gonna go up.
A: Peanut rate ( = penetrate) your ass.
Q1: I learned that katanas are samurais' weapon. And Shogun is a commander of samurais.
A: Shogun ( = Choking) these balls!!
Q2: I bet you don't know what "up dog" is. What's up dog?
A: Nothing much dude.(騙人說出What's up來打招呼的梗)
(用眨眼打摩斯密碼 以後如果3D化手語勢在必行吧)
Ligma balls.
這些笑話的邏輯就是在某個詞後面綴上deez nuts 讓他唸起來變成「把蛋蛋如何」的重組句
Q1: Have you guys heard of hava?
Q2: My IBF is acting up. What's IBF?
A: I'm Be Fucking your mom.
Q: You like lions?
A: Lion ( = Lie on) my dick!!!!!
Q1: Have you heard of Manama?
A: Manama ( = My name is) Jeff. 梗的來源
Q2: I'll have a tournament later this week. It's like Mario Kart tournament,E10.
A: E10 ( = Eating) my dick!!!!!
他講了快十個真的翻不過來 直接附上他照著念的 網站
覺得 Luca 的文學造詣應該都全點在 dn jokes 上wwww
Q: What's my Pocky flavor? Marmalade.
A: Marmalade in your ass!!!!!
(其實我不太能完全確定這次的笑話 我先猜是marmalade =jam 所以此句是jam in(塞進) your ass的意思)
Q: I'm hungry for some ligma.
A: Ligma balls!!
Q: What's the easiest command you can teach a dog besides sit?
A: Roll. Roll over deez nuts!!!!!
Q: My mom's gonna make one salad called "slow bunnies". A what salad?
A: A slob on this dick salad!!
(結尾音樂換成Hope in the Dark Lofi版)
Q: Do you know what a (摩斯密碼) is? You know what it says?
A Luca! Yeah! Yes! Exactly!! Luca what? LUCA DEEZ NUTS!!!
對他昨天也在那邊一直笑 Mysta還說 I can see it but it doesn't even make sense XDDD
(點擊就聽deez nuts jokes大放送)
Q: Chat, what is a "Yohan"?
Chat1: YOHAN (Your hand) IN MY PANTS.
Chat2: Your hand in marriage. (求婚用語)
(前面把Niji EN全部出道曲lofi同時播放)
Q: I'm gonna get pizza for lunch.
A: A pizza (a piece of) this dick.
(強推此次結尾 因為他很想睡所以是Comfy voice+哼歌 連笑聲都變得慵懶 超讚)
Q: No joke tonight. I'm gonna pull a landing and take it easy.
Q: Do you even know what a gacha (抽卡) is?
A: Gacha (Got ya/your) dick.
Q1: Do you have a bofa at home? What's that?
A: Bofa (Both of) deez nuts in your mmmwhaaaouuuth!!!
Q2: There is an actress called Reiomy.
A: Reiomy (Lay on my) dick!!!
Q1: I might get some landon for dinner.
A: (Land on deez dick.)
Q2: Have you heard of a show called "Mind Goblin" on Netflix?
A: Mind goblin (Mind gobbling) deez nuts.
Q3: After Ring Fit I found out that you can actually attached a mico to it.
A: Micock (My cock) in you mouth!!