Doge-lover Joja
[RL/good stuff] Sometimes you got to take stock of what you have in life, help build your base to resist the bullshit of the world.

It might not have been how I imagined things shaking out, sure, but I have a job that gets me out of the house, I get along with my immediate bosses and coworkers, and I have no real drama with my family.
Doge-lover Joja
The job itself is fairly boring compared to what my sisters do, and the water fountain will not stop running, and yes, the music that plays in the background has been stuck in a 7-song loop since September
Doge-lover Joja
But you know what?
Doge-lover Joja
It could be a whole lot worse
Doge-lover Joja
And I thank whatever powers that be that it isn't that bad