I've been slowly watching Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich (I say slowly because I watch a small bit, then have to pause and gather myself and calm down before continuing) on Netflix, and I already knew some of the bigger highlights of his case, but I don't know what part angers me more: the nature of his crimes, the way he committed them, the specific group of

people he targeted and preyed upon, the fact that HE BOUGHT OUT EVERYONE to avoid getting prosecuted, the smug grin on his face in the photos they're showing of him, or the way he refused to actually provide an answer for the questions he was asked

I guess all of it infuriates me in equal measure. I don't say this often, but I'm glad the bastard is dead.


I rather noth watch it.

I think that's a wise choice

I wouldn't watch any 'documentary' on a person on Netflix - not after the smear job they did to Carole Baskins... I don't trust it to be honest. That said, even the facts on Epstein is an indictment of how our society treats anyone who's not a white dude.

Especially a rich one

yeah he's a rich white man so he got away with everything for so long, and it makes me sick to my stomach

and the majority of the Netflix documentaries I watch are true crime lol

I just don't trust them to be all that factual without a spin; for entertainment, then sure, but they lost a lot of credibility with me, is all [and mind you, this is just my opinion, and why I don't tend to watch documentaries on there]

yeah, that's completely valid!

so far, what I've seen with the Epstein one seems to be factual, and they've had so many young women come in and tell their stories, but it's completely possible that the creators have embellished some of the details associated with the case as a whole

so I'm taking it with a grain of salt but also operating on the assumption that at least part of what has been said is true