You know. When you think about it, how fucked would the DC-verse be if somebody ever kidnapped Dick and replaced him with a doppelgänger?

Brought to you by korel saying that Kon's thought process would have gone, "Get Tim to safety, call Dick" anyway.

And it's like...Dick is basically THE most trusted person in all of DC.

You want to fuck up the inner workings of basically all of the heroes? Dick's a good place to start.

I seem to be good at playing 'hub' characters. Characters that are the center around which the wheels turn.

Tad Cooper

It's Nick
Wow, that's quite the scenario

I'm more surprised that it hasn't happened.

They came about as close as possible just before the Grayson series.

I remember seeing a positive version of this, where someone convinced Dick that the heroes needed to be out of the universe for five minutes, and he managed to convince everyone to hop into a portal no problem

I can't remember any of the context though xD

but yeah. People who don't listen to Superman listen to Dick

Tad Cooper
Because he’s sometimes very not perfect, but he will always be there when you need him. And he speaks truth to power.

Tad Cooper
(Sorry Babs/Dick fans - it will always be Kory/Dick)

I mean. Batman defused an entire Crisis by asking the Superman if his Dick Grayson was better than theirs.

Also. I am absolutely positive that Dick knows that Kon and Tim could absolutely have a thing if either allowed it to happen.

Tad Cooper
Look Timmy was mooning in Titans 1

Yep. And that last, long conversation with Kon on the way to the Arctic probably cemented things.

Tad Cooper
By the time they get to the Lazarus pit it’s obvious

Preeeetty much.

Tad Cooper
Diiick you can’t just go around casually thinking oh I can’t separate them. There are telepaths.

It's not that easy for telepaths to get into the heads of the Bats.

Tad Cooper
Tim: It’s the principle of how we’re all supposed to ignore the fact that I’m a disaster. The same way we ignore that Bruce can’t talk about a charity for 3 minutes without mentioning his parents.

Dick: Like we're not all disasters.

Tad Cooper
Tim: /points at Alfred

Dick: Not raised by Bruce. Doesn't count.

Tad Cooper
Tim: at least Damian might wear down any thoughts he has about another one in five years.

Dick: I'm not going to admit that I might be having second thoughts about kids in general...

Tad Cooper
Tim: You had firsts?

I mean...Dick has stories where he has at least a kid.

Yeah I think that trip to the north pole was like... Kon obviously talked about Cassie but the way he talked about Tim probably made it obvious that it was equal to his Cassie feelings.

Without realizing it or contextualizing it as romantic.

bc he did definitely (and still does, though it's not romantic anyway) love cassie but it's definitely a situation where both hold a similar place in his heart

I mean, Dick is also the one who has all the emotional intelligence in the Bat family. Well, other than Alfred.

So if anybody is going to realize it even if Kon didn't...

Tad Cooper
They’re all just used to being that close. Their lives are chaotic to the point where the stablest influence they’ve had in the past few years has been the other three.