Heart Attack 💘
[Des watches Yugioh GX S4]
Heart Attack 💘
it has been a while because my roku is a piece of shit but the other day my power flickered and made it magically work again SO HERE WE GO
Heart Attack 💘
Well truthfully I have watched a ways into this episode already about Ryo in a wheelchair getting a duel hit put out of him by some random Jinzo dojo but oh nooo he shouldn't duel because he is in a wheelchair for his heart attacks now
Heart Attack 💘
My questions
Heart Attack 💘
- Is Ryo permanently disabled? They were simultaneously like "doc says your heart is fine now" but also "don't push it you haven't fully recovered" which makes me wonder if this 'don't push it' state is healing or if it's just his life now
Heart Attack 💘
- Why is Jinzo disgraced and for heretics now??? Who ruined its rep??? Espa dropped out too soon for it to be him and Jounouchi is surely not THAT bad
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- Why isn't ANYONE communicating with this ninja kid. He is just some brat trying to promo his duel school, maybe if you told him what was going on he'd decide he doesn't want to be a murderer. Admittedly this is Yugioh so it's like 50/50 if telling him that would just make him try harder to murder him. BUT REALISTICALLY HE IS JUST SOME KID. JUST SOME GUY.
Heart Attack 💘
Well but Ryo is suffering pretty blatantly in front of him now so he is either a gleeful murderer or he's incredibly dense lol
Heart Attack 💘
Got them shonen blinders on
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Okay I guess ninja is really far away actually so he couldn't see him suffering before the part where he collapses like this
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Never mind he is a shithead. It's Yugioh after all lol
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Ninja: I'll let Ryo Marufuji die before I end the duel but I'll give his cute brother three days to practice to continue the duel
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Ryo is just in heart surgery now. It's fine.
Heart Attack 💘
Sho: I'll free you from this deck!
Heart Attack 💘
I know he means he'll duel with it instead, but it would be a hundred times funnier if he just chucked it off the cliff he's on into the ocean like Exodia
Heart Attack 💘
Hey Sho good for you
Heart Attack 💘
The juxtaposition with this evolution with the flashback to the early Ryo duel where he straight up admitted "I'm perfect which means I reached my limit"
Heart Attack 💘
That was a really good brother moment...! Maybe the only good one with these two lol
Heart Attack 💘
Like Sho has always deserved better. But now he gets it
Heart Attack 💘
The difference in weight between "Niisan" and "Aniki" has always been delicious too lol
Heart Attack 💘
Sho is good