𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑢𝑠𝑡
Jean: A, J, V
Kazuki: D, K, M because that's a given
𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑢𝑠𝑡 : Jean
Affection: Jean is a protector/provider. It might seem like status quo to most people, but putting food on the table and making sure his own are safe is really important to him. When you come from a world/upbringing where both of those things were not a guarantee, it makes a lot of sense.
He likes physical touch, but I wouldn't call him a cuddler either. He's not soft at all. He's more likely to jab you in the eye somehow. So many angles on the boy.
Jealousy? ABSOLUTELY. Jean is like 50% jealous at default. Jealous of partners. Jealous over looks or status. Jealous over how easy your life is. Jealous about goddamn everything. If you're close to him, it's likely he'll even tell you about it. He's not ashmaed of it. It's just how he's always been.
Valentine's. Jean doesn't get holidays in general, especially the ones that aren't just "winter's here, let's eat!" but he does indulge in them. He doesn't have a problem with compulsory romantic gestures though, he doesn't find it a bother or anything. He might even enjoy it (esp if he gets some). He just doesn't get it.
Ideal date: The first date he takes the main character out to is a cake shop. He tells you that his brother told him about it, and that he wanted to go himself, but never could because a guy alone at a cake shop would be weird. He's grateful to you for giving him a good excuse to be eating cake.
Then he calls himself virgin-senpai and I cannot contain my uproarious laughter.
Other dates he takes you on: To an arcade, to a playground, to an amusement park, and ice skating
Can he kiss? Never underestimate the lips and tongue of a brass musician. They are pillowy soft and incredibly dextrous. Everyone in VR is sleeping on this. Totally missing out.
Favorite Romantic Song: I'd say Ave Maria, but that song unforunately belongs to Len for some reason, so... How about Hallelujah? Let's go with Hallelujah. I like that song.
𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑢𝑠𝑡
kazuki cake can't make you gay lol
oh lawd he already bi and I think he knows it
but he still doesn't really know how to handle masculinity
he's from japan, it's understandable