Corgi Gams
[kiwi sketches]

Corgi Gams
hello i still live

Corgi Gams
So i've actually done a lot of painting this year - enough of it that i'm actually able to do a month-by-month "year in review"

Corgi Gams
which is weird for me but i'm not complaining

Corgi Gams
def gonna keep this up into 2022

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams
A few little gouache studies

Corgi Gams
I seriously love painting landscapes

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams
Ready for a tropical getaway because fuck winter and fuck being cold all the time

Corgi Gams
I actually didn't paint a whole lot in February and so didn't have much to choose from

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams
....Same for March, whoops. This one is my favorite of the few I did that month. Watercolor

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams
I'd just gotten my hands on Daniel Smith's Primatek Serpentine Green and....the other green that I am blanking on right now, whoops

Corgi Gams
Green Apatite Genuine, there we go

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams
MOAR serpentine and apatite, as well as!!! A portrait???

Corgi Gams
The staircase is watercolor, the portrait is gouache

Corgi Gams
This is
Rizzaria 🔥
precious wood elf cleric Naeris, who i love and adore with all my heart ;u;

ʅǝʅʅɐɹɐd ǝʅdɹnd
agh these are so good

Corgi Gams
Ayayayaya, thank youuuu <3

ʅǝʅʅɐɹɐd ǝʅdɹnd

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams
kiwibird in watercolor, GRIS screencap paint in gouache

Corgi Gams
...I still want to do more background repaints from Gris - it's such a seriously beautiful game ;w;

oh these are so gorgeous

Corgi Gams

i love all the colors

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams
: Thank you!

Corgi Gams
July is all watercolor! Three birds and one half-orc

Corgi Gams
the nerdlords in the little sketch belong to inkblotmeringue - goose bard Jericho and former-warlock-now-baby-wizard Malcerr

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams
I shared the top spread after I finished it but I still really like it, so here it is again

Corgi Gams
With bonus screencap repaint from GRIS, this time more appropriately in watercolor

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams
Like February, not a lot to choose from in September...just this one little swampy scene in gouache

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams
this is the month I really started going ham this year. The bottom spread is a plein air watercolor I did in a park near where I live

Corgi Gams
I picked a bad time of year to try to get into plein air, sadly...October was the last month with decent weather until maaaaaybe March

Corgi Gams
The two spreads on top are gouache

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams
I do believe i also shared the food? Again, though, I'm still really happy with both, so here they are again

Corgi Gams
with some bonus coastal scenes in watercolor

Corgi Gams
Aaaaaand last but not least

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Corgi Gams

Corgi Gams
I have painted so much this month

Corgi Gams
all five of these are gouache

Corgi Gams
the two brownish ones are done in a modified Zorn palette - yellow ochre, alizarin crimson, and payne's grey

Corgi Gams
(plus white)

Corgi Gams
the actual "traditional" Zorn palette is made up of yellow ochre, vermilion, ivory black, and white

Corgi Gams
my gouache black and vermilion are both really high tinting strength while my yellow ochre is much less so, so I picked two similar colors that would play more nicely with the ochre

Corgi Gams
Anyway, that's my art year in review

lulu 🌸
you and me need to do a paint together or something whenever we happen to be in the same place

lulu 🌸
these all look great!!!


Corgi Gams
lulu 🌸

Corgi Gams
: thank youuuu ;w; <33

ᴠᴇɴᴏᴍ sɴᴀᴋᴇ.
these are GORGEOUS, kiwiwi...!! god, they're so serene and the colors are so lovely... goals are to get my mitts on a kiwi original one day

Corgi Gams
a;lskdfjs Freshyyyy

Rizzaria 🔥

Rizzaria 🔥
Kiwi’s art is magnificent and it’s only going to get better and better with the new year...!

Corgi Gams

These are so beautiful! I love your landscapes and the dreamy, peaceful sense they give

Corgi Gams
MissAzrael: Thank you! I'm glad they give off a peaceful vibe

Corgi Gams
we could all do with a little more peace in our lives ;w;