I hope none of this comes across as me REGRETTING that bc I don't and I think the development that will come out of it all is so cool, just to preface my talking about it
Maya has done a lot to try an d protect other monsters without hurting anyone and it never worked, always left her feeling powerless And the one time she helped something go right and did her best to keep people safe, people insisted that there were lives lost & that they were bc of her & her collaborators' actions
But man. I can only imagine that she'll continue to want to do things without being seen, because even when she does her best to do good she now sees herself as only really being capable of being seen as doing bad, as a result of like... A build up of things
god we def need to have a thread about this bc phil is 100% felling the same way he's much newer but he felt some kind of way about being labeled as a selfish terrorist for trying to save people's lives
>not being able to save people to the point of feeling like she needs to borrow power from Mana >borrowing more power from the Fog to protect others and being admonished for it >being admonished for wanting to move on with her life after unhappy events >being admonished for helping protect human lives when a structure was impacted
i know marco didn't even flip out directly AT her but. he may have messaged her a week or so after it all went down to be like "thank you for keeping people safe, sorry about what happened"
But yeah like. She's either failed at or been admonished for all of her efforts to do good things, and been told she is bad regardless And after 4 years of being in Ryslig as a monster she has to wonder if she IS bad
So this is the shrine, it's now also decorated (almost aggressively) with hand-drawn pictures of Mia, Pearl, and monsters who have died/dropped like Rosch
There's usually incense tucked in it somewhere and Maya comes to "Hang Out" with Foggy Her worship has ulterior motives bc she wants to understand Foggy emotionally if possible bc... She still thinks she can do something for them
I really do need to do stuff with Maya on Gabe because honestly. He doesn't blame her for feeling upset about it and not trusting people as much but it is just. he's learned that people will believe what they want if it means they don't have to challenge their world view
ngl i saw maya call foggie her friend and i laughed cus you know fog's out here like "awww cute! :^)" while just seeing them as little pets that chew on the carpets
Wayward Haze
: actually I was gonna ask if you're doing an NYE thing, cos if you are ill hit him up there BUT IF NOT we should Def have them chat about the cube otherwiae
: but YES, he would be a good influence on her tbh She has always had to base her opinion on her self worth on the words of her abusive aunt bc she's basically Cinderella and really needs to just. Be okay with herself, instead of now putting the onus of her judgment on others
gabes a truly horrible person but the one.thing he's good at is nah you gotta aggressively be good for yourself other people will see the worst if they really want to and that's fully their issue
And the one time she helped something go right and did her best to keep people safe, people insisted that there were lives lost & that they were bc of her & her collaborators' actions
he's much newer but he felt some kind of way about being labeled as a selfish terrorist for trying to save people's lives
>borrowing more power from the Fog to protect others and being admonished for it
>being admonished for wanting to move on with her life after unhappy events
>being admonished for helping protect human lives when a structure was impacted
And after 4 years of being in Ryslig as a monster she has to wonder if she IS bad
So this is the shrine, it's now also decorated (almost aggressively) with hand-drawn pictures of Mia, Pearl, and monsters who have died/dropped like Rosch
Her worship has ulterior motives bc she wants to understand Foggy emotionally if possible bc... She still thinks she can do something for them
She has always had to base her opinion on her self worth on the words of her abusive aunt bc she's basically Cinderella and really needs to just. Be okay with herself, instead of now putting the onus of her judgment on others
Sometimes you just aren't the man for the job
Even when you DO try!!!
Maya's real mother figure(s) paled in comparison to the fog and that's sad