pixie lovemail
[FFXIV] Aether friends! Specifically, duck bastard unbound lollichop ! I have an important question for you all: do you have OTHER Aether friends with which to form a party with and run Binding Coil, or will the four of us desynced be able to handle it?
I do have friends I might be able to recruit!
Two of them haven’t done them yet outside the first two actually
So they might be game let me ask them
pixie lovemail
oooh nice
pixie lovemail
I still need to do the Hard Primal trials to unlock it, but I definitely have my eye on it.
(Four people unsynced can definitely handle it but I do want to pitch it to my friends too)
pixie lovemail
tbh i want the original Experience
pixie lovemail
i felt kinda disappointed by how much of a well
pixie lovemail
pixie lovemail
pixie lovemail
castrum and prae are
pixie lovemail
so i'd like a Conclusion thing in arr that doesn't feel like yakety sax playing over the bgm you know
Yeah I somehow managed to get a crew together to run castrum and prae at minimum ilevel and it was pretty fun. But binding coil is actually challenging regardless
I’ve never done it unsynced so if I could convince everyone of that that’s be fun
(Not minimum ilevel lort no)
pixie lovemail
I also want to get fully Ironworks'd up before I do it tbh
After the holidays would probably be best for everyone anyway
Maybe not all holidays but at least after Christmas
pixie lovemail
pixie lovemail
I want to clear all the level 50 dungeons as practice too
duck bastard
oh man, i ran Coils unsynced but I'm more than happy to recruit people for it! i can probably at least bully my husband into coming along, and my FC in general are super chill to run stuff with new people
duck bastard
there's at least a few fights that even unsynced you can still have a HELL of a time getting past just because of how the mechanics work
duck bastard
but doing it synced with echo shouldn't be...super hard, if you wanna see it proper
pixie lovemail
honestly i might wait until i unlock hw for it because i want to try it with drk