[cw jowling kowling rowling] [but like in a funny way]

Mrs Sheepie
evil greedy bizarro uncharitable mirror version
Mrs Sheepie
however wario is actually clever and funny so infinitely better than krowling
the grink
JK Rowling is Dolly Parton's Waluigi, Anne Rice was her Wario
the grink
rowling just showed up one day and nobody really knows who or why they're here and there's a very vocal legion of grognards insistent that they are more than just some random annoying noodle and deserve respect
✶ 𝐇𝐨𝐇𝐨𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨!
how DARE you insult wario like that
I will not tolerate Waluigi slander. Or Wario slander. The only connection they have to Joanne is that they both have sections of Universal Studios parks dedicated to them.