Dragons Dragons
[meme] comment and I will state an Extremely Divisive and Totally Controversial Opinion
Dragons Dragons
Princess Emily
Oh no!
Dragons Dragons
Princess Emily : mint chocolate sucks
Mint chocolate does suck.
Cold XC
no no you're right
mask of pride 🌸
Dragons Dragons
Uncontrollable : Half of the complaints Sailor Moon Crystal got boiled down to it being closer to the manga than the 90s anime, which drives me up the wall because this unpleasable fandom spent 20 years asking for exactly that.
☆ 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ☆
more mint chocolate for me, then!
Seems accurate
Princess Emily
Dragons Dragons : /unfriends
Dragons Dragons
☣ UROBOROS : There is no bad Precure season.
agreed, actually, from what i've seen of precure
(also agreed on mint chocolate sucking)
I need to murder you for your mint chocolate opinion but also o/
Dragons Dragons
skerple : the Litbus anime was great, people were just upset that it wasn't KyoAni.
Dragons Dragons
Dragons Dragons
HurricaneChris : I was into Death Battle for the analysis and just sat through the actual fight animation. Everyone else seems to be the other way around.
Dragons Dragons
Cold XC : Coffee sucks.
Cold XC
>: (
Dragons Dragons
star✯break! : You can like the big popular shounen battle long-runners and it doesn't make you basic, you can like the obscure seasonal niche thing that flopped and was forgotten and it doesn't make you pretentious, you're still a real fan of one if you like the other.
Dragons Dragons
mask of pride 🌸 : Hanayo is my favourite Love Live girl.
keep talking
Dragons Dragons
☆ 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ☆ : Take it. Also, we'd get a lot more responses to more varied and unique memes if we put game-specific memes in the OOC comms again instead of just using open communities.
Dragons Dragons
⏏️ndrusi : Essay-style apps were good, actually.
Dragons Dragons
monsterkiss% : My province is not boring and dull just because we have smaller cities and a lot of farms.
The mint chocolate discourse is a nice blocklist thank you.
Dragons Dragons
ღ zipper noises
NekoInc, MSPM
Dragons Dragons
ℱrozen : I don't know how many people here even know about modern AG discourse, but I would really just like for people to stop comparing Molly and Nanea to tear one down and shill the other. They cover the same time period in very different ways and they're both solid characters (even if Molly's a lot better in the EU and the movie).
Dragons Dragons
Rama : Chococat is super underrated (possibly not all that divisive because he's still popular here, but he's basically old news in Japan).
Dragons Dragons
ღ zipper noises : You know what I miss? Shopping crackfic. Like "the gang goes to the grocery store and antics ensue" or "the cast attempts that 100 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Walmart list."
Dragons Dragons
I get that it became a lot less popular when the generation that grew up reading and writing it got old enough to actually work retail and see how much it sucked, but it was fun.
ღ zipper noises
man, I kind of miss those now too, thinking about it
Dragons Dragons
NekoInc, MSPM : VN fans are too spoiled nowadays with regards to anime adaptations. Back in my day, we praised an adaptation even if it looked like garbage and cut so much of the story that new viewers had to look up plot summaries of the VN to figure out what they'd just watched.
Dragons Dragons
Looking at you, Kanon 2002.
Rogal Dorn
Dragons Dragons
Rogal Dorn : this may surprise you given i'm a kanata fan but shiny hunting, breeding for stats, and other forms of pokemon metagaming just seem like they suck all the fun out of the game and i don't get why they're popular
Dragons Dragons
lots of people like them and i hope they have fun! it is not fun for me, and it sucks that people who approach the games wanting to play with their favourites and the mons they caught by chance without knowing or caring that "nature" is more than flavour text have been completely locked out of competitive play.
Cold XC
competitive play is like that in basically any game
Dragons Dragons
True. I guess it just stands out because it used to be a hugely mainstream thing, like tournaments at malls and stores where any kid could come play.
Cold XC
yeah. internet disseminates information so much faster though. Magic the Gathering has the same problem where every new meta shift has all its best decks figured out and readily accessible within a month
Cold XC
as opposed to twenty years ago when you could walk into a tournament having no earthly clue what the good decks are
there's apparently a current first gen pokemon metagame (or was recently) and from what I can tell it's wildly different from what the actual metagame was in 1998
Cold XC
yeah people have figured out a lot there
I just hate that it's become all standardized now
Cold XC
it's a good reason to play with friends
فك يو
i always like hearing the AG discourse tbh