Lab studies also showed that the pill worked against the Omicron variant.實驗室數據顯示,似乎也能有效治療感染Omicron變異株患者。The pill, Paxlovid, reduced the risk of hospitalization&death by 89 percent if given within 3 days of the onset of symptoms. If given within 5 days, the risk was reduced by 88 percent.NYTPfizer says new COVID-19 pill appears to be effectiv...
輝瑞口服抗疫藥物試驗報佳音 住院死亡減近9成 | 國際 | 重點新聞 | 中央社 CNA
After a month of follow-up, the study found five hospitalizations and no deaths among 697 people who received the drug within the first three days of symptoms. Among 682 who received placebo, 44 were hospitalized, including 9 who died. All of the adults in this study were unvaccinated.
Pfizer: Final data on pills to treat Covid-19 holds ...
抗Omicron 3種疫苗不打追加劑保護力恐不足 | 國際 | 中央社 CNA