CPS rape-flagged data are dependent upon lawyers and administrative staff correctly identifying applicable cases and flagging these on the Case Management System (CMS). These data are accurate only to the extent that flags have been correctly applied.
A rape offence flag may be applied at the beginning of a case, or applied later in the prosecution process if evidence of rape becomes apparent. The rape flag will remain in place, even if the decision is taken to charge an offence other than rape. This is why the cases are referred to as rape-flagged rather than rape.
(Data from the CSEW and MoJ are classified as National Statistics. Data from the CPS are sourced from administrative datasets that do not fall within the scope of official statistics.)
Sexual offending: Crown Prosecution Service appendix...
Sexual offending: victimisation and the path through...
所以只有法律性別為男性者能被判罪為"Rape",至於"Assualt by penetration"則是男女都有。網路查找的結果,"Rape"和 "Assault by penetration"的最高刑度都是終身監禁。
Sexual offending: Crime Survey for England and Wales...
不過因為"Rape"和"Assault by penetration"是合併計算的,所以無法得知這9起案件中"Rape"占了幾起,只能知道"Rape"必定小於等於9起。