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I think I need to say goodbye to a certain bank, starting from tomorrow
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I can’t say goodbye right away due to some circumstances according with the savings, but I definitely will in the end. This bank and its weird policies had been pissing me off and those actions are considered harmful to me
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I should have known since the weird forced change of PIN case that pushes me off my limit 2 years ago in Pekanbaru should have thought to close the account and move the savings to some better bank
Tembak² Dor⁴
independence bank
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Not gonna say the name
me too
bank yang kayak di mikrolet gitu ya duduknya
sama. 2 rekening di bank yg sama kututup (ga tutup sih, cuma dibiarin begitu aja krna ada case kmarin). sekarang lg nyari bank baru, tp masih bingung.
Fit, lo ada BCA kan sebenernya
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I do, but my mom wanted to close the account and the ATM is expired. I’m about to check if the account might still be okay indeed I want to move my savings to BCA. Maybe I should ask Rendi.
nots menta
bikin rek. BCA bisa online. donlot dulu app bca, nanti ada opsi utk bikin rek. baru
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How about the old account? I want to reactivate it if possible
nots menta
ah well.. kl reactivate kudu ke bank, trus dirayu2 biar ga tutup akun
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I don’t want to close, I want to reuse it instead
u i i a i u : you can reactivate it, just like in my case, because my unique account number, :-)
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Well or I’ll just make a new one, it looks easier yup a change of decision
Sebank menggiurkan bunga 7% diperpanjang sampe thn dpn tuh 😝 kalau berani coba new digi bank
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I think I’ll stay with conventional bank for now
bang jago fitur2nya menarik
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I only use digital banking for payment issues, not for savings, it’s to prevent me from shopping madly
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it's done not 100% saying goodbye, I still leave small amount there and some withdrawals are still on progress. I hope life would be better once everything is fully done.
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it's sad, but I have to https://images.plurk.com/3O1mgKDevvMFXoU9YYHDV.png
oh bni ternyata
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