Dr. BeardoPuff
[family, Christianity, Naruto]
My... cousin... shared this meme...

Dr. BeardoPuff
He doesn't.... anime.

Dr. BeardoPuff
So, he could not, if pressed, name these Visible Members of the Christian Church.

Dr. BeardoPuff
Christian Naruto, Christian Hinata, Christian Boruto, and Christian I don't know, Bonata.

Dr. BeardoPuff
Himawari. Okay cool. She's named Himawari.

Dr. BeardoPuff
Christian Himawari.

Dr. BeardoPuff
Uh, just to clarify, he's complaining about how most Baptist / Non-denominational Christian churches do not practice infant baptism.

Dr. BeardoPuff
He feels this is bad theoloogy.

Dr. BeardoPuff
Naruto had his children baptized when they were infants.

Dr. BeardoPuff
So clearly you should, too.