also amused by the lack of a hyphen in this piece of BBC editing: "military personnel will be sent to storm affected areas in the North of England" ...
standards are dropping everywhere but the BBC went downhill badly a couple of decades ago.
the recent Tory corruption has merely made things worse - and the infiltration and intimidation by ToryScum was perhaps only possible because most of the good people had already gone or been sidelined / replaced by incompetent personnel.
been literally watching it happen over the decades but has no power to prevent it. I can even understand why good people not actively pushed out by the scum might still not want to be there with them and instead have other things they'd prefer to do (eg David Attenborough switching roles from controller to documentary maker).
it :-)
some things get better too.
one of the Telegraph's twitter headlines is also unclear: "Pestering women in the street set to be outlawed" could be about men wolf-whistling etc or aggressive flower sellers / nagging wives / beggars (ie more like the Telegraph's normal hate targets).
(LOL) it’s hard to know where to draw the line and to know what behaviours are hurtful. If we don’t allow any come-ons at all, we’ll end up extinct.
not against humans going extinct. But that's not a plausible outcome and it should be possible to ban males from making any approaches towards females and allow just the females to proposition the males instead for a while. Homosexual encounters are fewer and don't play a significant role in reproduction anyway.
given that I have never been propositioned or even encouraged by anyone unless I instigated it, I would find that approach dismally depressing and would probably suicide if I were subjected to it as a young person.
it's encouraging that your range of options didn't include going on an incel rampage and killing most of your school cohort as per the USA.
also pointing out that you could still go to consensual dating bars. It was merely the harassment of women while they were going about their daily business (ie mostly not trying to be sex objects) which was to be curtailed.
yes. It's not as though there's a proposal to ban friendship leading to romance, which is the main route for people like me.
that should probably be the route for everyone (aside from forced marriages, rapists and anything else which needs shutting down).