there's a trans girl in kamisama no iutoori who practically all the fandom treats as a crossdressing guy even though she repeatedly says she wants to be treated as a girl
she gets outed to one guy but he never outs her to anyone else despite thinking for one page "i will never see you the same way again" and the only other person to call her a guy is the story's villain
i also hate the ghostspeak headcanon because it makes no fucking sense. how the fuck are all dead people gonna have a single unified language???? absolute nonsense. my inner linguist fuckin hates it
like MAYBE the fandom that's not leaving gross comments on manga reading sites is better about it but i have no idea because all the fanfics on AO3 are just about the protags
back when i was in p4 fandom, there was a theory floating around that [dead backstory character] from one spinoff was in fact [surprise twist ghost character] from another completely different spinoff
even though it actively contradicted the one piece of info we had about [dead backstory character] – and not like, inconsequential info, it was a piece of her characterization that has ripple effects out into a ton of very prominent shit across the arena games
totally makes sense if its Linda. My personal "if it has to be a human kid" choice is Quentin, both woth canon stuff and for the gag. But the insistence on Bobby rubs me wrong
sometimes that lighting happens in human form too! sometimes that lighting isn't dramatic when he's in ghost form! either way, his base skintone and the shadow of it are just about the same from scene to scene to scene, it's just a matter of how much is being used
I definitely can't jive with Riku being canonically gay- not out of any homophobia or anything. He just reads as a HUGE bisexual disaster to me, and so often I see people use the "Riku gay" thing to shit on OT3 or rikai fans. (Mlm Riku ships are still valid as heck.)
honestly, that reminds me, "Frisk canonically is mute" is another one that bothers me because. The phone they get early on is not texting-friendly, so they have to be able to speak (plus they have commands like sing and whisper)
Fanworks where Frisk signs instead are super fine and nonverbal rep is super lacking. It's just a personal thing
'cause sometimes people push the idea that Frisk literally cannot speak so hard and as someone whose Frisk talks it can get a little tiring having to justify it +_+
: I can't believe how many people think ironwood is shit writing when a militaristic character sliding down the slippery mental slope until he's doing Whatever It Takes to protect his people is like..... classic tropework
like, Inverted Fate's Frisk is very talkative, and I get how going from silent protag to a more fleshed out protag might be jarring, but I feel like in general silent protags can talk and we simply don't see their dialogue
Nonverbal characters can be awesome. and I think having fics where silent protags are nonverbal can be a neat approach from a writing standpoint. My beef is mostly when people treat one headcanon as Definitive Canon
yeah. Like, I don't wanna sound insensitive by undercutting a mlm ship that's so important to people, but a lot of those kinds of soriku fans are way too aggressive about it
Also since my RWBY friends brought up RWBY I find it remarkable that one of the show's biggest strengths is showing people responding to trauma in realistic and thoughtful ways and everyone constantly complains about how that's bad writing
TTS is like "trauma can be messy and sometimes good people hurt others when they lash out or react bc of their trauma but that doesn't make them any less good" and then you have people flat out writing fred as a controlling abuser or say that cass needs to be put to death
touhou fandom is sort of weird bc of the way the canon works, some of the big memes just became accepted fanon for a long, long, LONG time bc of the creator's inability to draw charas consistently from game-to-game there was a joke that she padded her bras bc her bust size went up and down
this one doesn't super annoy me but I've seen a surprisingly large amount of people espouse the idea that Loboto has a split personality and that there's the evil one and the poor trapped good one (influenced by the presentation in RoR but still) and it rubs me the wrong way
or a single fucking line by one of the other characters, whose motivation is that she came down to the mortal realm to cause trouble because she was bored and wanted to shake things up, once one of the characters actually posed a threat to her she said
so like sakuya-padding and masochist-tenshi were just, super pervasive fanon for so fucking long and im happy there's more fans these days who dont make the memes their canon
: yyyyyeeeah that rubs me as a extremely easy way for people to like. explain away all the bad things loboto actually did without directly confronting it
yeah like. Man he's SO mentally ill but he's still responsible for his actions and he acknowledges that and its way too easy to go "actually he never wanted to do these things its something EVIL"
its why I've acknowledged in-game that there's a real possibility he'll backslide because he's so early into a personal redemption arc that is not going go be easy
Along the same lines as the Setsuna thing, remember that rant in Digimon fandom that it's a logical fallacy to assume that a canon ship loves each other because people date and get married for reasons other than love all the time?
Fanworks where Frisk signs instead are super fine and nonverbal rep is super lacking. It's just a personal thing
(Mute protags who're canonically mute can be fascinating, tho)
Give one up for my girl Chell
Yes, get angry! Because if you don't punish me, Gensokyo shall be no more!