The threat posed by Soviet long-range bombers was so dire, in fact, that before air-to-air missiles had become prevalent in the 1960s,美軍發射一枚空對空火箭核彈足以摧毀整個俄國機隊才對 the US actually developed a rocket-propelled air-to-air nuclear weapon that would wipe out entire formations with a single launch.
the Tomcat could also be troublesome. The TF30 engines were indeed powerful, but they were also arguably too sensitive for the job.
They'd been designed for an even heavier application in the 80,000 pound F-111B, but that platform was more bomber than fighter. Bombers need powerful engines to carry their payloads at combat speeds, but
They'd been designed for an even heavier application in the 80,000 pound F-111B, but that platform was more bomber than fighter. Bombers need powerful engines to carry their payloads at combat speeds, but