I've noticed Gridania is pretty full recently, too. I guess just due to all the new people. Used to be there might be one or two standing around the aetheryte.
idk how it is on your DC but on crystal a lot of RP venues have been holding events off-premise and in like. less "private" settings than usual, to spice it up for for a last hurrah before everybody vanishes into endwalker hiatus for a month
yeah if not for the damned man-in-dress gags they keep dropping into them the hildibrand quests would be some of my favorite content in the game purely for the comic timing and experimentation with the framing/modeling
the detail that extra grinds my gears about the man-in-dress gags, beyond the very fact of them existing, is that Hildy doesn't even look bad in a dress
it would be a lot funnier if the crux of the gag was less "man in dress UGLY!!" and "hildy. hildy, why the FUCK did you think this would fool anyone. you are so obviously you and not the lady you are trying to impersonate, what the fuck"
like there's so many ways you can do the joke of "Hildibrand is breathtakingly bad at impersonation and invincibly ignorant to this fact" without it having to be a bad drag joke too
iirc and/or best guess, what the echo was may have been triggered by the sight of the cardinal virtue/you experiencing its body's past, but it was, also, at least in part you experiencing taynor's memory right as he remembered it, too
Fuck The Rich
let's fuck with these game models and make them do things they were never actually meant to be able to do
Hildibrand you're a full yalm taller than the person you're trying to impersonate, HOW did you think this was going to work
well that's a lot to unpack but not out here
Also Cerigg: [is incredibly patient and understanding and is a consistently kind, steadying presence for Taynor]