Hazard Kitten
Ship questions? Harlock and Raidou aren't looking, but I'm not opposed if things click.
a girl in love
Harlock a e j p
Hazard Kitten
A: Both Presence, and Touch - when he likes someone, he wants to be around them, even if they're doing or saying nothing, a bit like a cat, but he also likes touching people, leaning against them, letting them lean against him, holding hands, touching shoulders, just in contact.
Hazard Kitten
E: He actually loves hugs, just he knows most people in his circle don't and nobody's gonna hug The Legendary Captain Harlock unless they're his seven year old goddaughter (and he's very generous in hugging her)
Hazard Kitten
J: He's honestly really not a jealous type, he's fairly secure in himself, and tends to trust any romantic partners
Hazard Kitten
so unless he's actually given reason to believe his partner is being unfaithful or betraying him, jealousy just isn't going to be in the picture.
Hazard Kitten
P: Equals, he wants someone that both works well with him and is willing to challenge him - not necessarily constantly combating him, but they'll hold their ground for what they believe in and not afraid to tell him if he's wrong or out of line. He prefers his partners to have curiosity and interests/hobbies they're passionate about even if he doesn't get it
Hazard Kitten
Looks really are on the lowest end of his priority - he can appreciate someone being attractive, but if they don't have passion, meekly submit or try to control him he rejects them out of hand.
Hazard Kitten
so tl;dr he wants someone willing to call his ass out, wants to make equal decisions that is also someone he just can happily listen to while they talk about their thing for hours.
Hazard Kitten
(and that person has to be as willing to listen to his thing and recognize that Harlock will never ever settle into a calm domestic life)