Dr. BeardoPuff
[Decemberween Cards] HELLO. If you want an DECEMBERWEEN CARD I guess I have made a Screened-Comments Post on Dreamwidth.
Dr. BeardoPuff
You can also email me at urgent (DOT) missive (AT) gmail (DOT) com.
Dr. BeardoPuff
The cards all feature a lovely drawing of my dog Honey.
Dr. BeardoPuff
And thus are worth more than money can truly encompass.
Set, a facedown
they are worth their weight in gold tbh the one you sent me two years ago i think? was super cute...
Dr. BeardoPuff
Honey is always of inestimable worth.
Posting so that I can find it when I'm not actively falling asleep in my chair
Dr. BeardoPuff
Please to remember in the morning.
Dr. BeardoPuff
Anyone who has submitted a request for a card had their card sent out this afternoon.