people who don't need glasses, what is it like to not just be able to turn your vision off when you are tired of seeing things
also what is it like to wake up and be able to see things instantly
these are questions I think about a lot
...I also think about that second one a lot
my vision is horrible so I can't imagine just being out here seeing
Dragons Dragons
I can't even remember it, and I actually remember the years when I didn't need glasses... my memory just doesn't work that way.
Dragons Dragons
Half of my memories are recorded like they're in the third person. Occasionally vaguely animated. I have no idea what I did to my brain to make it overwrite what I saw like it's Jisu: The Movie.
PB ghost ♡
no escape from things you don’t want to see. also me constantly forgetting that if my SO isn’t wearing his that holding up a thing and being like “hey what do you think of this” is not a helpful exercise... then I feel bad
Be Maki-Mine 💘
Having only even started to need glasses like a year ago:
- the idea that other people don't see things in the morning is so bizarre. Like if they only didn't know English before 9 AM
- not being able to see signs easily anymore makes me feel claustrophobic as fuck
- time to watch TV! ...GOD I left my glasses upstairs
a girl in love
closing my eyes is free
E.S. Levi
I have one good eye, so I can see things even if I forget my glasses!
E.S. Levi
.......I just have to close my bad eye if I want to be able to read without leaning in and squinting.