Half of my memories are recorded like they're in the third person. Occasionally vaguely animated. I have no idea what I did to my brain to make it overwrite what I saw like it's Jisu: The Movie.
no escape from things you don’t want to see. also me constantly forgetting that if my SO isn’t wearing his that holding up a thing and being like “hey what do you think of this” is not a helpful exercise... then I feel bad
Having only even started to need glasses like a year ago: - the idea that other people don't see things in the morning is so bizarre. Like if they only didn't know English before 9 AM - not being able to see signs easily anymore makes me feel claustrophobic as fuck - time to watch TV! ...GOD I left my glasses upstairs
- the idea that other people don't see things in the morning is so bizarre. Like if they only didn't know English before 9 AM
- not being able to see signs easily anymore makes me feel claustrophobic as fuck
- time to watch TV! ...GOD I left my glasses upstairs