Let's see what SUPER OLD plurks can be responded to that aren't upsetting to the OP or make things worse. Plus newer plurks before I vanish again. I'm super Not Okay, so I'm going to distract myself before vanishing~
Also my laptop is still a pain in the butt. I'm not sure if certain things are breaking, or just causing issues. I never fully sorted things properly b/c my external broke (due to heat, and needs a professional fixing IF it can even BE fixed...)...

So it's kind of just a pain. And the internet SUCKS BIG TIME which makes things MORE frustrating...
SO like. Yeah.

Health and tech hate me =D
Are my eyes deceiving or is that an SPN icon? Maybe not...

But ;;
it is
don't know how far you got, but I rpd Jack for a hot minute, too.