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It's extremely rudimentary and quite literally Just A List but I finally have a proper muselist again, along with two new journals added to it
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For the record I couldn't find a code I wanted that displayed properly so I just said fuckit eventually
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There's some missing from this for one reason or another, and I have to work on more than one journal in it but here we are regardless, hey it's a start /o/
I a♥D♥o♥r♥y♥m♥
Very cool!
Dollie's Foxie🦊
Dollie's Foxie🦊
For some reason I want Soleil to meet Arthur, I've been joking about an AU with that kitsune in a Annie Soleil Get Your Gun style XDDD
/eyes Ammy
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Dollie's Foxie🦊 Oooh yess that'd be fun X3
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oh god I just had a thought of my monk Sheyleigh meeting Ammy. she has some bad trauma about wolves (she was killed by one on her first quest in the campaign) and it'd be probably adorably sad and cathartic to meet a Good Girl
Discount Gligar
Aww, yeah definitely~ X3